MyM Olympic Games

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by stijn04356789, Aug 15, 2016.

  1. stijn04356789

    stijn04356789 Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    5:57 AM
    Hello there!

    And welcome to the first MyM Olympic Games. The real Olympic games in Rio are almost done and yes, we are starting ours. A week has passed and some builders have done their best to establish the buildings we have at this moment. Thanks to @Mouro and @RebornCrafter for the great buildings we have.

    We got three disciplines prepared for you guys: Archery, Horseback riding and general Parcour. Everything is possible to do it on time, the one easier then the other but you will have to contact a staff member who is online at that moment.

    We are doing our best to get as many as possible staff members online, but if nobody is online then you probably can't evenly play except the parcour as the other two require a staff member. Also, staff members will have to work with several people together at once for the time and this might limit them in how many people they can help in the first place. Please keep that in mind if you aren't helped directly, we are just people trying to have some fun as well :D.

    The disciplines

    Horseback riding:

    You can compete with each other, up to 4 players at once, and you will all have your own horse with your own colours. Some obstacles are placed around the map that you will have to avoid or pass.

    The race itself, three laps, first in is the winner.


    This is the second discipline that requires a staff member to set you up. You grab yourself a bow and a stack of arrows and you start shooting at the targets. They go from easy to hard and you have to hit all 10 of them.


    This is the only discipline that doesn't require a staff member to be present, you can play it on your own and see your time or you can ask a staff to write down the time for you and see when you are finished. The parcour has some easy parts, but also some damn hard things. Don't expect yourself to finish it in less then 5 minutes!

    On the way you find some commandblocks, these are your spawn points. If you push a button you will be teleported to the previous checkpoint to try again.


    The event will take place in the normal vanilla server of MyM. The new 1.10.2 servers are having a special map for it and by joining the server via this ip: If everything goes fine then you should be able to spawn in the event map.

    Dates and hours

    The event will take place for three days: Friday, Saturday and Sunday in Germany. This is 6 hours of difference for the East coast of the united states.

    We will start the event at 1PM German time and we will see when it will end or when we run out of staff members to do the job. Remember, you can not force them!

    Official times

    The official times that we get from the staff members will be listed in a spreadsheet once the day is over. A complete list for all three days will be made afterwards.

    This is just an event to have some fun together and to compete with each other in a friendly method.


    Hacking, griefing, trolling and whatever else you want to do is of course prohibited and actions will be taken against you if you do so. We strongly advice you to not do or try any of these things as they will influence your further playtime on MyM.


    Builders: @Mouro @RebornCrafter
    Setting up the server: @LucidTheStick and all the admins behind it

    And of course, MyM for making this possible in the first place.

    We wish you a lot of fun and hopefully we see each other on the server!
  2. Awesome! Been waiting for another mym competition forever.
  3. Monkey_Banana1

    Monkey_Banana1 Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    5:57 PM
    This is going to be lit
  4. HelloKittyPhone

    HelloKittyPhone Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    8:57 PM
    Aw this sounds great, I'd totally do it other than having tennis tournaments and not having a working computer :/

    But I hope everyone has fun doing it.
    Monkey_Banana1 likes this.
  5. R_Vaillyn

    R_Vaillyn Well-Known Member

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    5:57 AM
    Happy to see everybody on the server. Can't wait to see people having fun, and doing the disciplines...

    Good luck to everybody, and hope to see you guys soon :)
  6. WikidSick

    WikidSick Well-Known Member

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    6:57 AM
    Any rewards? and can u say the german time like GMT or UTC
  7. roobarb2

    roobarb2 Bah, life is over rated

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    4:57 AM
    Gonna rek face in horse riding, On the infinity building comp I practiced horseback riding :DDD[DOUBLEPOST=1471534188][/DOUBLEPOST]
    You get a cookie and a gold medal

    (Edit) Also how do you get onto the server?
  8. WikidSick

    WikidSick Well-Known Member

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    6:57 AM
    Can we team?
  9. stijn04356789

    stijn04356789 Well-Known Member

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    5:57 AM
    GMT+1 with summer hour, so another +1.

    Rewards: no

    IDK for what you want to team but I guess you can for horseback riding.
  10. roobarb2

    roobarb2 Bah, life is over rated

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    4:57 AM
    We could do it for archery aswell, we could add all the points up together and divide by 2?
  11. WikidSick

    WikidSick Well-Known Member

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    6:57 AM
    Is there a achievement participating in this?
  12. stijn04356789

    stijn04356789 Well-Known Member

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    5:57 AM
    Won't happen, you play individual, you can compare your time then later on.

    And no, we do this completely for the fun only.
  13. Hey, will we get those horses at the time of competition or we can breed(or steal) them?
  14. stijn04356789

    stijn04356789 Well-Known Member

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    5:57 AM
    You will get them at the time the race begins. Everything has been made so that each and everyone receives the same horse.
  15. Are they gonna be draft horses, sprinters, war horses, geldings, garrons, stallions or something else?
  16. stijn04356789

    stijn04356789 Well-Known Member

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    5:57 AM
    I have no idea about all the different types you said, but it are all the same horses, same speed, same amount of blocks that they can jump etc.
  17. Varrili

    Varrili Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    10:57 PM
    Looks fun but I wont be able to be there because it's going on at 5 in the morning where I am.
    Timkoo and profrags like this.
  18. stijn04356789

    stijn04356789 Well-Known Member

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    5:57 AM
    The events are taking place during the entire period. They just start at that moment. I bet you will be able to participate in it.
  19. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    5:57 AM
    I'd be there for you guys from 3pm-10pm german time on friday, wont be home on from saturday noon till sunday afternoon sadly :(
    but if you need me for the event in that time, just poke me on ts or send me a private messageo n the forums. :)
  20. stijn04356789

    stijn04356789 Well-Known Member

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    5:57 AM
    As it is now 1am in Germany the event has started. Please, feel free to join us on the server!
    _prpl_ likes this.

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