Done Bee's - Special Produce Turned Off?

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by Merlin246, Aug 18, 2016.

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  1. Merlin246

    Merlin246 New Member

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    I have recently noticed that my winsome bee's special produce isn't being produced... The special produce of this type of bee is pulverized shiny metal (90.0%) and ender pearls (50.0%). I have noticed that even with production upgrades in an industrial apiary that these are not being produced. I have not tested this with other types of bee's... however, it leads me to wonder if the special produce of bee's has been turned OFF on the server(s). Is this the case for all bee's, just winsome or is it something else entirely (I have checked in the beealyzer and they still do have the special produce in their gene's).

    Thank-you very much
    golemofstone likes this.
  2. _prpl_

    _prpl_ Well-Known Member

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    Have you altered your bee with gendustry to fit your biome? The new thing with bees is you have to make the biome fit them... So, as an example, instead of making them like your temperature you must change the temperature to the bee to get the specials
    golemofstone likes this.
  3. golemofstone

    golemofstone Well-Known Member

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    Thanks a lot for this, i felt like a total nub until i found this, totally forgot about the biome requirement >.< must be my fuzzy old brain.

    Thanks again :D
    _prpl_ likes this.
  4. TheVampiricT

    TheVampiricT Well-Known Member

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    @golemofstone I am just gonna brach off of what _prpl_ said

    To get the bee to work, you have to make it like your biome initially.. which means either you move biome, have biome emulation, or you change what the bee wants. Every time it goes thru, till your drones stack, you have to check to see if it is the same. Sometimes you have to check all your bees to make sure they like your biome. It takes time... (To automatically make a bee work use a princess and a drone with the Injector Thing (#Blanking) to make the genes the same, so when the Queen goes thru the R (Recessive Gene) stays the same.
    That above means that it will work for the regular product, but it does not for the Special unless the Forest Biome, or whatever biome you're in, matches your bee...
    Modest or anything from that path is usually desert (Desert Emulation Works)
    Anything that goes off from the Tropical is usually jungle (Jungle Emulation Works)
    River, Oceane, Etc are ocean biome bees (Ocean Emulation Works) **Best biome because less lag :D Bees in great quantity lag FPS bad when loaded VIA chest, pipes, etc. AE2 Also lags when you have a million types, so just storage bus a storage drawer... ANY path from Forest and Meadows work here.**
    Rocky is everywhere pretty much
    Anything from the nether hives or that path (The red bees usually) is the nether (Hell Emulation Works)
    You have snow (Endearing is also snow, but I'll talk about that later...) or any white/light blue bees tend to want Snow Biome (Snow Emulation) **Any bees on the Oblivion path are also snow
    Dryer/Cooler/Humidifier/Heater upgrades also work, but usually, you need two slots.. (Sometimes you have to use this because some bees hate every biome almost)
    Endearing will use snow, but Two cooler upgrades work :p

    Omg that was confusing >,<
    Just use Biome Emulation for the biome path you got it from and you usually get it working. Sometimes you need to check stats cause biomes don't always work, but here's the conversion rate:
    Temp/Humidity +4 or -4: 8 Upgrades (Dryer - and Humidifier + are for Humidity) (Heater + and Cooler - for Temperature)
    Temp/Humidity +3 or -3: 6 Upgrades
    Temp/Humidity +2 or -2: 4 Upgrades
    Temp/Humidity +1 or -1: 2 Upgrades
    Temp/Humidity +0 or -0: 0 Upgrades
    If you have a Forest drone tho, it tends to like Temp/Humid +0/-0, but you if you happen to change the stats to like Temp/Humid +1/-3 you can just put it in a forest and it voids the gene stat because it is in its biome. Those stats are only to make it work in your own biome.. **Ones used are most likely desert**
    There is an item that can also check which biomes your bee can work in, but you must have the emulation if you are in the wrong biome for special :p OR Temp/Humid upgrades

    This is just a jumbled mess.. just keep the bees with emulation or upgrades, it works easier just to try differ combos till it works unless you know which path it is from.

    **Note: Most Ore bees tend to be ok with every biome! (Ferrous, Cuprum, Platinum, ETC)
    golemofstone likes this.
  5. golemofstone

    golemofstone Well-Known Member

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    Yeah thanks for the info, i basically know most of that but in my derpishness i forgot the biome requirement, fun fact about getting aged is you tend to have a foggy memory (according to the missus) xD But, thanks for the added help :)
  6. Multiface

    Multiface Well-Known Member

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    9:39 AM
    Hi, I just got into bees and was wondering if the OP bees are not working at all or just not giving a specific product.
    I use gendustry and imprint a set of genetic GET, or specialized production modification genes (probably printing a full 13 chromosome set of genes on rocky bees even), does this effect my output?
  7. stijn04356789

    stijn04356789 Well-Known Member

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    This might work.

    In addition:

    Also, since this thread is already marked as done it might be the best to open up a new thread so that we can assist you in there instead of in a thread from someone / that already is solved. So if you have more issues regarding this then please make a new thread.
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