Some critics

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by F4lconwings, Aug 21, 2016.

  1. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    Hey there fellow MyM'ers

    //contains critics, probably worth a read-through
    //please, no deletion of the thread, if it is something you dont want to spread out to public.
    - it would just agree to my theory.

    I dont want to resign with that, I love staffing... but some critics have to be spread.

    I have decided to spread some critics.
    I have dedicated lots of hours into the network, trying to improve it, and helping people.
    For the first few weeks here I was pretty impressed with all the things going on in the staffteam, which gave me a good motivation to work here.
    But later then, as it most likely became normal to sit here about 6-10 hours a day doing things for the network, such activities didnt seem somewhat honorable to other staffmembers, that just hop on from time to time and solve a ticket, or the head staff in many different situations.
    This is why it makes me think, that being a staffmember here is not actually being honored a bit.
    For them its kind of normal to have a cycling staffbase, with people going and leaving. The interest for them is gone, after they have become a moderator.
    As I am now here for a long time as both a player and a staffmember, this came to my mind, and I think, that this is not the way to treat people, that dedicate their freetime into this.

    But I do not mean everyone with these words.
    There is a bunch of good people out there, and these are the ones that are going to read this post till here, and they will know, if I mean them.
    By just not skipping a textblock like this they show, that we are just not random names appearing on their screen. We are people. And we want to be treated as such.
    And that is the reason, why I dont post that into the staff section, but for everyone to read through.

    I've had a few good years at MyM, and a few good months in the staffteam. I have been very euphorical about it all, through bad and good times.
    But there is things that happened lately, which make me feel something minor in comparison to everyone else - The honor for the work, that is missing.
    And, I have lost reputation and relations to many staffs here. The ones I've stood closest to are gone from the team. Probably for reasons as mine.
    A few staffs know about these things.

    Maybe it is just me not being ready to call myself a part of the senior staff here - if everyone still thinks I am one of those enthusiastics that try hard to be a staff here.
    I am a staffmember by heart.
    I have bitten through any challenge that occured to me. But right now I dont see any reason to bite through more challenges.
    And the fact, that for the head staff fellow staffs are just a moderator, senior mod or admin, and arent an actual individual person doesnt make me feel well here anymore.
    - I know you guys are busy, but you might want to keep some actual relation to your workers.

    I've seen the full side of MyM.
    I feel like I have been used. And with me have others been.
    I've come up with ideas, with tutorials, have dedicated tons of my freetime into this. Not to play, but to help. And all I get are declines in various situation. Thanks.
    I've got alot of good feedback from players, but never actually any form of "well done", or "good job" from staffs. Only messages, if they want something, or tell you, that you did something wrong.
    I believe that headstaff here just dont know their employees enough.
    This is definitly not the way to treat persons, that dedicate alot of time into that. Changes have to be made.

    I really bet for changes to be made.

    I love staffing, but not under such circumstances.

    It might just be, that the head staff has too much to do. There probably should be a new rank in need, that is just focusing on any of the things I've spoken about.

    I just hope for everyone who reads through this, that you've got the message I want to spread from that post.

    This post is mainly dedicated to head-staff, less to SirWill and Slind. They are extremely busy, and I honor the everydays-work they do for the server and the players.

    If you have something to say to it, please do it. Especially other staffmembers. But please... Be honest, and dont write just what the overseers want to hear.

  2. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    This post just might ruin my whole beings here :confused:

    - Reserved -
  3. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    I have never writen what the staff have wanted to here and have paid dearly with it and it will hang over my head for the duration of my time on MYM, but id rather have my feelings known, You know me endorian ill stand by you whatever the case, as i know you would do the same for me as you are that sort of person. Whenever i talk to Ex staff i nver hear good things, NOT ONE. Its always that they feel constricted like they cant be players anymore.
    The last time i made my feelings felt i got shut down fast by Lucid. l and the rest of the staff as i was seen as a pain in MYM's backside, ive said before Staff see this more as a job than a hobby and thats what it should be a hobby. You should have fun helping others not be forced into it because youll lose your position.
    But this is buissness and in buissness the only thing that matters is revenue and having the higher powers be happy.
    Ive always tried to help everyone but thats never good enough, ive said that their was a gap between players and staff as staff are more corprate than haobbiests.
    Ive even heard people say this is more of a comunist type ruling than democratic like they feel restricted.
    I completely agree with what youve said but nothing will change.
    In 2 years ive only seen the way staff work change ONCE, and thats when the staff split in 2
    But thats my opinion and staff dont care what i think
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2016
  4. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    Well endo you got balls and I basically agree with everything you said with one addition I love MyM but it is a hobby we do it to help out and this demotion stuff will and is effecting staff moral but I fear stud is 100% the correct nothing every changes and ppl just get muted
    HelloKittyPhone and F4lconwings like this.
  5. HelloKittyPhone

    HelloKittyPhone Well-Known Member

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    I hate to say this, but it's true. We need to change things here.

    I may have been staff for almost two months, but I've seen both sides of the spectrum.

    There has been a few times where say, a Jr Mod wanted to do a ticket with a Mod+. (I've been in the same position.) The Jr keeps asking if anyone will do one with them. They don't get answers, besides from other Jrs or staff that are busy doing other things. Which sooner or later, they'd get demoted for inactivity/not doing tickets or resign.

    On the client, players have asked for help, but no one answers them, even if there's over 10 people on the server. If they got an answer, it would to be make a ticket, stop asking, or make a forum post. Even when staff is on and they aren't busy.

    Even on the forums. Players make threads asking for help. Staff and retired staff answer, we/they wait for an answer. And when they get one, saying "Sì, it works now" or whatever. About half of them (been reading them since I joined the forums) say "Thank you __" the other half...not so much.

    Don't forget about the ticket system. I've seen tickets be there...waiting for about a week or so until a staff member looks at it. (Happened with me once.) Sì, there are players who don't say "thank you" or the players who repeatedly press "Close" on a ticket like 10 times.

    Sorry, but stuff like that needs to change. Whether it be a little or a lot.

    F4lconwings and ContinuedAsh like this.
  6. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    But like I've said we will be seen as few against the many and subsequently told to shut up
  7. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Hm, what are you talking about?
  8. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Woops sorry i was dong to things at once let me correct that

    Also remember this
    This is that gap
    But idk staff say go say something but what good does that do, Just causes grief in the future. Nothing happens unless they are under a specific boundry

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