Computer Talk

Discussion in 'Offtopic' started by Immykins, Aug 24, 2016.

  1. Immykins

    Immykins Professional Torbjörn

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    5:16 PM
    Although some people playing on MyM have laptops to play Modded MC on, I am curious to see what your computer builds are like (whomever it applies to)

    Feel free to talk about anything in this thread, Part picking, General Computer talk, etc.

    [​IMG]CPU: Intel Core i7-6700K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor (OC to 4.7GHz, Varies from 4.5-4.8)
    [​IMG]Motherboard: Asus Z170-AR ATX LGA1151 Motherboard
    [​IMG]CPU Cooler: Corsair H100i GTX 104.7 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler
    [​IMG]GPU: Still using integrated graphics. HD530. Going to get a 1070 soon.
    [​IMG]Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2666 Memory
    [​IMG]Storage: Samsung 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive
    [​IMG]Addtional Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive
    [​IMG]Case: NZXT H440 ATX Mid Tower Case
    [​IMG]Power Supply: HX Series HX850 Power Supply — 80 PLUS® Gold PSU
  2. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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  3. recaltotal

    recaltotal Well-Known Member

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    6:16 AM
    i wouldnt ever get a laptop to play any games on xD
    my pc is a 8core system with a r-9 8gb gpu the downpart of my pc is i only have 8gb ram
  4. Syllogistics

    Syllogistics Active Member

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    7:16 AM
    *sees setup* *cries in a corner*

    Anyways, I basically got my PC from the Trash and upgraded it. It used to be a Dell Studio XPS 8100, with an Intel i5-650 CPU, 4GB RAM, 1TB HDD and an ATI Raedon HD 7000 Series (so loud, you'd like to kill the graphic card everytime). Now I got myself some 16GB DDR3 Crucial RAM from , a Nvidia 750 Ti OC Strix (So quite), a 120GB Samsung SSD (too small). It has the standard Mainboard and Power and the Same Case. Its power is ok to pretty good; No problems with Modpacks like Bevo's (Not sure if that one is heavy tho), and I did some research on Live-Streaming; With my PC, that would be only possible with my GPU, but it would be 720p with 30fps and some "pixelation" when it moves fast. I'd love to upgrade, but as a student who doesn't / can't / isn't allowed to / doesn't has the time to work and spend his money on a Samsung Galaxy S6 edge after my Galaxy S4 died after a few years (RIP), I won't be able to upgrade it for some time ;)

    Syllogistics out.
  5. Immykins

    Immykins Professional Torbjörn

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    5:16 PM
    I mean like, the fact that you have a dedicated graphics card is great in it of itself. I myself am still using the terrible iGPU that came with the 6700k which limits it so much. I can barley run Minecraft past 80 Fps at 1080p. For the phone. I rarley go outside so I'm just currently sticking with a phone that I don't mind using every day, But isnt horrible. (Galaxy S5).

    Are you using a Xeon chip? Or the 6900k? Just curious as I dont see that many 8 core systems around that aren't from the Xeon family.
  6. Syllogistics

    Syllogistics Active Member

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    7:16 AM
    If anyone has time, could someone eventually just make a ULTIMATE POWA PC OF DOOM, which is basically your opinion of the PC best for "Multimedia", so Gaming and Streaming (eventually rendering). If you do so, just completely ignore the costs. I'd really love to see an OP PC-Build, I don't know why though :p Pick Parts, Build Your PC, Compare and Share - PCPartPicker

    There are also AMD Octa-Cores ^-^ like AMD FX 8350, which I think are pretty common, and there are some overpriced Intel CPU's on Amazon like the i7-5960X (costs 1.148 Euros).

    Syllogistics out.
  7. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    2:16 AM
    This is my current setup right here
  8. Syllogistics

    Syllogistics Active Member

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    I like that setup, though it is pretty expensive. On the other side you have mutiple Desktops, Windows 10 (ewh ;)) your keyboard and mouse in i t.
    Besides that, you are able to have 2-Way-SLI (basically connect two graphic cards) with the 1080 or a 4-Way-SLI with the Titan X. My question is: Where is the use of that? Feel free to share personal opinion. I personally think that those SLI's don't have any use for a normal gamer and YouTuber. Because 4x Titan X just eats a load of power, and a person who even plays High-End games, can't use them. On the other side, those are probably neat for rendering, as you render stuff much faster ;)

    Syllogistics out.
  9. Ash00182

    Ash00182 Well-Known Member

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    6:16 AM
    After 2 way SLI there is no point really, as it doesn't scale as well. I don't even use mine much tbh, most games I either don't need it or the game doesn't support it at all or well enough to use it.
  10. Syllogistics

    Syllogistics Active Member

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    7:16 AM
    Mind if you share your setup with us? ^-^
  11. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    My current setup is here. I replaced the failing HDD with external one (removed the case and put hard disk inside).
  12. Ash00182

    Ash00182 Well-Known Member

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  13. Immykins

    Immykins Professional Torbjörn

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    5:16 PM

    Sorry for being Late. Been caught up with exams. Just wondering. What would be a price point for this build? And in what Currency, If it's reasonable and you want a great gaming rig. I can see if I can whip up a list

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