Pixelmon Update

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by DistantSerenity, Aug 24, 2016.

  1. DistantSerenity

    DistantSerenity Well-Known Member

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    2:14 PM
    Not trying to rush anything or anyone just hoping for some info. Any update on when the 1.10 server will be accessible?
  2. Necro6300

    Necro6300 Well-Known Member

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    5:14 AM
    i would like to know this too please xD
  3. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    3:14 PM
    We had some last minute tweaks last night with a new world gen to incorporate changes. I'm just waiting on people to build a spawn then it should be ready to move to public experimental status.[DOUBLEPOST=1472041846][/DOUBLEPOST]Sorry...realized I forgot to add an ETA. I would expect tonight (US Eastern GMT-5)
    Lawmonark likes this.
  4. DistantSerenity

    DistantSerenity Well-Known Member

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    2:14 PM
    Thanks so much :) We can't wait to play![DOUBLEPOST=1472085203,1472043592][/DOUBLEPOST]Update? :(
  5. Oiche

    Oiche Night Shadow

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    3:14 PM
    I can't wait. I am excited at the new start!
    I'll miss my old Pokemon though, but I can get more. :)
  6. DistantSerenity

    DistantSerenity Well-Known Member

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    meeeeeeeeee too the suspense is killing me! I hadn't been on the server long but most of the pokemon I really wanted weren't in the old pack.
  7. BetaPetey

    BetaPetey Administrator Booster

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    We are working on spawn as I post, we have things done but we still need to build the gyms and the safari zone. @DistantSerenity The safari zone will also be totally free, there will also be some parts of it which I will keep a surprise until it opens to the public :)
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2016
    ContinuedAsh and DistantSerenity like this.
  8. Oiche

    Oiche Night Shadow

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    3:14 PM
    Not to be all childish and impatient..... But...
    WHEN?? *bites nails*
    DistantSerenity likes this.
  9. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    12:14 PM
    Can't Rush perfection hehe there is somethings that they are trying to incorporate, just give them more time ;)
    BetaPetey likes this.
  10. BetaPetey

    BetaPetey Administrator Booster

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    We are trying to make sure everything is perfect on the new server, and to make sure we impress everyone who comes on to the server.
    DistantSerenity and julio1237878 like this.
  11. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    There will be a lot of things that will make your stay in pixelmon longer and less boring. in the old server it was kinda meh just having the gyms and nothing else to enjoy so hopefully everything goes well and the things we want in the server for the player will be there in time. :D
    DistantSerenity likes this.
  12. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    Guys this is the first mym modpack on 1.10. While I understand your desire to play, please understand everything is a struggle to get working. It's coming as fast as we can get it there for you =)
  13. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    8:14 PM
    As stated above it takes time... With that being said, what features would players like to see?
    Suggestion are welcomed.
    LucidTheStick likes this.
  14. DistantSerenity

    DistantSerenity Well-Known Member

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    2:14 PM
    I understand I'm really not rushing I just hate being clueless when I'm so excited. As far as features go I'm not entirely sure what's available personally. Im not sure how well it works but an additional mod or 2 like chisel, carpenters blocks, and/or biblio craft would be great from a building stand point. :( don't think they are compatible with 1.10 unfortunately
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2016
  15. MartinezLopez

    MartinezLopez Patron Tier 2

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    8:14 PM
    No word on when its going to happen been waiting almost 3 days now :3
  16. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    8:14 PM
    Sure, lots of building of spawn today.
  17. MartinezLopez

    MartinezLopez Patron Tier 2

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    That not a time stamp ?
  18. Necro6300

    Necro6300 Well-Known Member

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    other pixlemon servers i have been on the gyms were maned by real players as you can see i myself was once the head fire gym leader on another server haha it was good as the gym leaders were also able to help out with certain things in the community to help take some of the pressure off the mods n admins just like general peace keeping making sure that players are not being scammed and so forth minor things that can be sorted out by just talking to a person with some authority and if a mod or admin need to be brought in to ban or deal with someone then the gym leaders would have access to being able to contact them. other things like Q n A if were able to help out we do but not a necessity as everyone so far has been quite fair and helpful with out mentioning a few players but that is nothing to squabble over but like i said the community on the old pixlemon server was always eager to help out new players.[DOUBLEPOST=1472110204,1472104791][/DOUBLEPOST]also more suggestions having the pokemon battles give currency like in the real game and a dept store a few of the other servers iv been on have this its like massive shop that you can buy balls tms hms and potions and the ev boosting items ie iron carbos. the chests were still active as they still gave a chance to get things like master balls and other items would still be obtainable from the chests as well for those that cant afford it or want to save there money for something else
  19. MartinezLopez

    MartinezLopez Patron Tier 2

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    8:14 PM
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2016
  20. Necro6300

    Necro6300 Well-Known Member

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    5:14 AM
    lol you need to chill man your sounding a bit demanding there. they are working on stuff to give us a better playing experience and like they said earlier its a whole new thing and the 1st pack on mym that's 1.10 so they may run in to unexpected hiccups n that's nothing they can do about it. it takes 5 min to check the forums and you don't need to launch pixlemon its a completely new pack it will tell you to update if its out
    iv have been told that they are finishing up spawn today n should be good to go tonight what time zone though i have no idea just chill back n wait for it man like were all doing if your worried about spending 5 min out of your time to look for answers or to check up on the packs launch time then maybe you should not play game's until you get your other stuff sorted and have the free time to do so no need to be rude to the people working there butts off to bring us a new pack.. just saying
    julio1237878 and DistantSerenity like this.

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