Pixelmon I Choose You (Discussions)

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Lawmonark, Aug 26, 2016.

  1. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    7:55 PM
    As most of you know, the MyM staff are hard at work setting up a pixelmon 1.10.2 server.

    Use this thread to discuss all things pixelmon. Let this be the home of all your pixelmon needs.
    -Pixelmon suggestion
    -Pixelmon trades
    -Looking for TM/HM
    -All trades..ect

    Pixelmon trade
    Want: Lv. 1 Mew (Timid)
    Have: Lv. 5 Magikarp (Naughty)

    HM/TM trades

    Looking for TM"x"
    Have: TM"x"

    Held Items
    Looking for: Lucky Egg
    Have: x x x

    I think you get the idea. These formats are not exacts, we can let the community choose what works best.
    Also this is a place to discuss Gyms and what you want from them.

    -My Idea for gyms is this: Let players run the gyms. A player builds a gym then submits it as the gym for that type. Then they let an admin know their team. The admin they uses a NPC editor to make a trainer with their exact team and move sets(for when they are offline).
    For the basic gyms like Rock, water, grass, fire, electric..ect There should be a level limit to match the games (or similar). This way there feels like there is a progression. But the advanced gyms should have a higher limit. I would like to make the NPC battle 1x a month. This way players dont farm the rewards. As for the rewards, they should match the game Tms and HMs.... possble even some rare items (lets say the water gym rewards a super rod)

    -Another idea i have is, to have a master npc trainer that players can battle once a week. When you beat this trainer you get 1 master ball. Of course i will find a really strong team that is good against all types. Snorlax, Gangar, Starmie..ect. The staple team with the best moves. If you are a battler you know what i mean.

    -I would also like to make mazes/puzzles similar to how the games were... and at the end a Pokeloot(which reset daily). Parkour, caves, mazes and other thing that take inspiration from the games. These to can be player built.

    -As for a safari zone, some of use discussed this and found that it could be a waste of time. BUT then i thought.. what about an area that used pixelmon spawners...In which we could have weekly events at. An admin or server officer(not a thing, wish it was)... goes in and programs the spawners to spawn certain pixelmon(maybe use a random gen tool to pick them). Then go to the wiki and find their % spawn rate and set that to the spawners. The area could also spawn common pixelmon that could help EV train while the area is not in use. As for the event pixelmon, have them spawn really low level... 1-10.

    I have SO many ideas but......
    I would love you hear the communities ideas about this server. While currently i am no longer staff, i still enjoy helping where i can (too bad there was not a part time rank). If you come up with a good idea, i will try my hardest to get it implemented.
    Amped_Gamin and DistantSerenity like this.
  2. Elrol_Arrowsend

    Elrol_Arrowsend Well-Known Member

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    1:55 PM
    I like the ideas. I was hoping to have a weekly or monthly masterball tourny. i was thinking we had 3 tournaments for levels 1-33, 34-66, and 67+. just have the normal head to head compettiton and the victor would get a rare item. like a master ball or something
  3. YourMCGeek

    YourMCGeek Well-Known Member

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    2:55 PM
    Maybe for the safari, we could have a farmworld like world with increased spawns and what not.
  4. Elrol_Arrowsend

    Elrol_Arrowsend Well-Known Member

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    1:55 PM
    but make it a smaller world like concentrating a world. shrink the size and increase rates
  5. YourMCGeek

    YourMCGeek Well-Known Member

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    2:55 PM
    Aye, yes.
  6. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    6:55 PM
    A mew for a magikarp, thats a pretty rough deal
    Maybe even a Team Rocket deal
    Necro6300 and Lawmonark like this.
  7. Elrol_Arrowsend

    Elrol_Arrowsend Well-Known Member

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    1:55 PM
    i have a magikarp for you lol
    Lawmonark likes this.
  8. ZzConradzZ

    ZzConradzZ The Purple Cat

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    Slind and BetaPetey like this.
  9. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    I bring news from the yonder...Hear ye, Hear ye...We shall all ride together and conquer the wild Pokemon on the morrow. Launch post will be up early AM USA Eastern time tomorrow.
    Lawmonark likes this.
  10. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    7:55 PM
    Does this resemble it?

    Furious_2014 and julio1237878 like this.
  11. ZzConradzZ

    ZzConradzZ The Purple Cat

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    1:55 PM
    That is surprisingly accurate
    profrags and Lawmonark like this.
  12. Nice post name.
    I like the idea of player-ran gyms alot. I think it would be even more fun if that player could battle the Challenger by himself/herself. Also, what about something like team rocket? Players could apply to become one of them and be chosen randomly. Their sole task will be to sow chaos(something like vanilla-trolls).[DOUBLEPOST=1472214845][/DOUBLEPOST]Could the teleport commands could be nerfed/removed too? It would be more original if players will travel to distant parts of the map in search of Pokemon.[DOUBLEPOST=1472214991][/DOUBLEPOST]This will require a lot of work by the players, but what about the towns and the like? With a plugin like Towny players can recreate the Pokémon towns, etc.
  13. filipnielsen0303

    filipnielsen0303 Well-Known Member

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    7:55 PM
    Dude i AM Team ROCKET!
  14. But you are just one of 'em, you need two more...
  15. filipnielsen0303

    filipnielsen0303 Well-Known Member

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    7:55 PM
    No I'm In The Leader!
  16. wyrdness

    wyrdness Well-Known Member

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    Two of my greatest loves combining to form unholy chaos? I must pretend to be claim a squirtle! *Sets my alarm for Super Early WTBBQ time*

    It would also be kind of cool if maybe we could have a competition to build/ design the (first?) gym of each type that the community could vote on. Just seems like the perfect excuse to cheer for another 1.10 server being tried out and hopefully prevent me having to battle in an eye-sore of a gym... Umm, I mean, so we wont have to battle in an eye-sore of a gym.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2016
  17. Elrol_Arrowsend

    Elrol_Arrowsend Well-Known Member

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    1:55 PM
    I think that was kinda the plan. you let staff know about your gym (submit it to them) and if they like it then it is a gym. im thinking that if the person who builds the gym is challanged for the gym and loses the victor becomes the leader but i think that they would need their own gym. After the launch im planning on making a gym in my town but if i lose to someone and thwy become the leader i dont want them controllong my towns gym (if that made any sense)
    wyrdness and Lawmonark like this.
  18. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    7:55 PM
    Correct, the person that is trying to become that Gym leader, must have a gym already built. They can also only Challenge the current leader 1x a week.
  19. Elrol_Arrowsend

    Elrol_Arrowsend Well-Known Member

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    1:55 PM
    well here is my thinking. if i build a gym and beome its leader. i dont want to lose part of my town because of a battle. so i was thinking the battle to be the gym leader should be for the title of leader and not the gym itself. and the new leader must make a gym to run.

    also. in a similar way to applying for a gym. we should also have reconized towns (like official towns that have poke centers and poke marts) we build a town that meets a certain criteria and if its approved staff could add the doctor and shop keeper npcs into the town and add a warp to it or something
  20. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    11:55 AM
    I agree with Elrol. If I build a gym I don't want to lose part of my town because of it.

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