so i was told i had to get the kit to be able to claim land, i didn't realize how much space it would need and lost some items, i don't know what was in the kit but i got some iron tools and a few pokeballs. but the main thing i lost was the shovel. my question is can i make my own golden shovel that will work to claim land?
Yes any golden shovel will be able to claim land also using a stick on the ground will check the area to see if anyone has claimed there. Is there anything else we can assist you with?
thanks for the quick reply, but there is something else you can help me with. i was just running around exploring when i saw a pokeball so i walked towards it to loot it and my game crashed, and when i tried to rejoin twice it crashed both times. i don't know why as i didn't see anything unusual in the area.
Sorry, here you go.[DOUBLEPOST=1472488876,1472482565][/DOUBLEPOST]tried multiple times to connect and each time my game crashes before the world loads. i also went into single player and it works fine so it's not a problem on my end.
i click join, it begins to load the world then it crashes. the last thing i remember doing was running up to a pokeball, i didn't get to click it first it crashed before i got in range.
It seems that there is a problem with a block you're looking at; I don't know anything more specific though. It might be enough to move you to spawn.
tried to login again and i still crashed, if it's possible for someone to move me back to spawn I'd be grateful.
No i was looking at a pokeball chest, the ones you find in the world and give a random item. but i don't think its that which is causing me trouble, theres most likely something else around the area that's causing the issue.
I'm not sure what happened, but i tried again today and as i was joining the game i moved my mouse around and sure enough i was facing the other way when it loaded in. so i did /home as fast as i could and it was all fine.