Pixelmon 1.10 Commands for pokedolars

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Mining_Canadian, Aug 29, 2016.


Should pokeheal/pc (etc.) be available for purchase for poke-dollars?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Maybe (with economy Ballancing)

  4. Potato (If you know this your an OG mym player!)

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  1. Mining_Canadian

    Mining_Canadian Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    9:54 PM
    So, I stumbled upon a new Pixelmon series on youtube with a hole bunch of bigger youtubers, and in said series, they have a way of purchasing comands such as /pheal (pokeheal) and /pc (etc.)
    I think this would be a great way for players to progress into the game and make it worth while grinding poke-money. Say maybe /pheal would cost 150k poke-$ and pc maybe 125k? (Just and idea). I am on the top 5 on baltop and, to be completly honnest, theres not really any use for poke-$ except TM's, but those can be replaced by move re-learner/tutor. IMO this would be a great thing for the server and make it more, almost grindy towards a goal for players.
    Here's a link to a video in which the Youtuber buys Pokeheal (at around 33mins) (also note the economy on their server varies from ours and that's why its a bit cheaper than I suggested)

    -Leeam, Mining_Canadian
  2. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
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    5:54 AM
    While i do like this idea, there are a few other money sinks that can be created.

    Question, are the loot chests how you got rich so fast? They seem to have spawned way too much... But its experimental server, so if there is ever a reset... that will be adjusted. Also, if its from Payday, that needs to be changed.

    Also OG player if you know potato? Would you know who happen to start that?.. :cool:

    I am currently working on a project, but at the end of it, i am going to learn the Json format for editing the Pokemart shopkeepers.
    Then maybe i we can add more items.
  3. Mining_Canadian

    Mining_Canadian Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
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    9:54 PM
    That is true, there are way too many imo, but that's also why I said a riased price like 150k (minimum maybe more) and again, the economy defienatly needs to be balanced, maybe a money reset and fixation of the tm prices to they're lower?[/QUOTE]
  4. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    5:54 AM
    That was an issue with a config change.
    If there is a "next map" i can ensure you they will be a lot rarer. maybe like 25% of what they are now.
    When testing in single player the were rare with the setting i used, but on the server they seemed to litter the ground.
    Welp, you can learn from mistakes... and this was one.

    As to /pc and /pokeheal... does not seem cheaty to you?. Its like you are carrying your entire pokedex and can catch anything since they dont despawn on defeat (I may set that on my configs)
    Because having the ability to just stand there any Pokeheal.... makes your team invincible.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2016
  5. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
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    4:54 AM
    currently you can get /pc from being a teir 3 + donator and can get /pheal for being teir 4+
  6. Can the randomly spawning pokecenters be protected from raiders? That will end the need of such commands.
  7. Mining_Canadian

    Mining_Canadian Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    9:54 PM
    That was an issue with a config change.
    If there is a "next map" i can ensure you they will be a lot rarer. maybe like 25% of what they are now.
    When testing in single player the were rare with the setting i used, but on the server they seemed to litter the ground.
    Welp, you can learn from mistakes... and this was one.

    As to /pc and /pokeheal... does not seem cheaty to you?. Its like you are carrying your entire pokedex and can catch anything since they dont despawn on defeat (I may set that on my configs)
    Because having the ability to just stand there any Pokeheal.... makes your team invincible.[/QUOTE]
    for /pc, you can eaasily craft a Pc and carry it around with you so its just a thing of being a little quicker and saving an inventory spot.
    /pokeheal isnt rly cheaty imo, its more to save time while grinding and its just easier. it also adds progression to the game and reason to grind for poke$$$. without it, what else are you gonna spend money on?
  8. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    4:54 AM
    Yea because a server has more ppl so most settings were turned up
  9. Mining_Canadian

    Mining_Canadian Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    9:54 PM
    Another thing we could do is add a cool-down to the commands, say 3-5mins?

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