Idea for Farmworlds

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by DunkmasterSans, Aug 31, 2016.

  1. DunkmasterSans

    DunkmasterSans Well-Known Member

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    One of my biggest gripes with this network (one that is offset by all the positives) is the insanely small world size. I understand the value of it, as modded servers are massive resource sinks even for a small population. Combine that with the size of the MyM community and you have a definite need for as many lag reducing tactics as possible. That said it makes it kinda boring after awhile as everything gets mined out and there is little left to do other than build and expand one's base. My sister came up with a potential idea to sort of counteract that, but refuses to post it herself. She said that if I wanted to I could post this idea in her stead.

    The idea in question would be to find a way to randomize the farm world seed every time it gets reset. This adds an element of exploration back into the servers as every month people would have to actually take time to explore rather than set waypoints to each individual pre-generated structure and at the start of the new month go there and take everything before anybody else can have a chance to respond. Part of the draw of Minecraft is that sense of uncertainty over where everything is. Having to explore to find new landmarks or pre-generated structures adds a sense of adventure I think most servers on this network lack.

    This would be an amazing idea and would improve the play time on the various servers by a decent amount. This idea is playing off of the assumption that Farmworlds are technically separate servers from the main ones and that changing the seed in the throw away world would not affect the main world. I would also assume that the world resets are automatic and that it might require some kind of alteration in the network configuration. However, if such a thing is possible, even if it takes a bit of extra effort, it would make exploration that much more fun and worthwhile.
    gosciu2 likes this.
  2. It will take a heck lotta time to generate farmworld from a random seed, but i think it's possible. It would be even better if we could somehow prevent the overworld from turning into a bombed ruin, due to all the junk bases and whatnot.
  3. HelloKittyPhone

    HelloKittyPhone Well-Known Member

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    You can make a ticket asking for land to be regenerated.
  4. DunkmasterSans

    DunkmasterSans Well-Known Member

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    I think that SanndytheManndy was talking about requiring builds to be not ugly. The issue with that is it removes the freedom to build how you see fit. Some people don't care about the aesthetics of a build so long as it functions well. to force a person to build a certain way is highly unfair and removes the freedom that minecraft is meant to enable. In regards to regenerating the world that already happens when a claim is inactive. However to request a regen because you don't like a base is unfair and would take resources that could be better spent elsewhere. I don't like ugly bases anymore than the next person, but they have just as much right to exist as a good looking base in a game with an almost unlimited amount of styles and gameplay preferences.

    Either way we are digressing from what the original point of the thread was: adding an element of exploration back into the small worlds that MyM provides while still managing to make it relatively lag free. I hope enough people like this and the staff can think of a way to make it work because that would make the experience a heck of a lot more fun for many.
  5. HelloKittyPhone

    HelloKittyPhone Well-Known Member

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    Well Sanndy said "bombed ruin" so I thought of huge craters in the ground.
    SanndyTheManndy likes this.
  6. DunkmasterSans

    DunkmasterSans Well-Known Member

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    People do destroy the world by stripmining stone, sand, clay, and any other common building blocks (or destroying pre gen'ed structures for their loot). That's part of why the farm world exists, but when you're starting out it's just easier to get it from nearby where you live, so people do so. I can see now why you thought that and I'm kind of facepalming at my idiocy for not understanding, lol. Even so regenerating entire parts of the world manually is still a lot of work and kinda defeats the purpose of having the main world be a relatively static place.
  7. HelloKittyPhone

    HelloKittyPhone Well-Known Member

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    I see where you're coming from on that, and I agree for the most part...I just wanted to put my two cents in.
  8. JessTheGreat

    JessTheGreat Well-Known Member

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    I like the idea of a randomly generated farm world each month. The problem with exploring farm world, even though it resets, is that once its generated, that's it. the farmworld for in5 seems to be half mushroom islands, which is fine, but it never changes, and that's kind of boring.
  9. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    The problem with generating the farm world every month is that it's a lot of work. It's hard to automate, it requires far greater server/staff resources, highly prone to error, and honestly I just don't feel it's doable at this point in time. I see your points and I think they are all valid, however the limitations of where we are inhibits the changes required for something to else to work.

    On paper I threw together a couple quick ideas to solve most of the problems with it, but again there is a massive cost to bring more servers online to handle all the world gen, and the fact that some maps can't be world genned with our method.
  10. DunkmasterSans

    DunkmasterSans Well-Known Member

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    Eesh yea, I was afraid of that. I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask, though. Maybe someday? Or someone can think of a creative solution? Sadly I know nothing about server management so I couldn't actually help in finding or creating a way.[DOUBLEPOST=1472663258][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Yeah, my bad. I wasn't trying to be rude just responding :)
  11. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    No worries =). Happy to have a discussion and we can always think of ideas for the future. The problem is the limited active resources within MyM to complete all the goals and tasks before us. Wish we could get some new fresh hard working blood to get us going full speed ahead again =)

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