Pixelmon Mapmaker Permissions

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by VortexWinds, Aug 29, 2016.

  1. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    As of right now, the only Pixelmon server/project is the current Experimental Server.

    With that being said, The reason i feel the need to make Kanto is i have not found a good version of the map, they are all way to tight and squished into the world. I am personally making my own map, not for the server but for a personal project that i want to make.
    That is not saying that one day it may be come something MyM could use... but that is a long way off. The building will take me a few weeks (maybe months) but that is not the only reason... another is the 1.10 version of pixelmon is really buggy. So i think i will wait for a stable version to promote my build.

    The ocean town build you are making is not guaranteed to even get put on the server, most people that are wanting to become gym leaders, are building their gyms in survival. You must remember this is Pixelmon not pokemon. What i mean by that is, it is a mod for minecraft. And minecraft is about gather resources and building.

    Here is my question to you: When you build this water town and IF it gets added to the server, are you expecting to be the person that owns the gym there? OR are you willing to let whoever is the current water gym leader use it as their place to take on challengers?
    Because if not, that would not be fair to all the other people that want to have gyms but have to build them their selves in survival.
  2. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Well i cant make a decent water gym because temple blocks are uncraftable
  3. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    They are added in the new verion, but they are really buggy.
    Version history - Pixelmon Wiki

    The stairs only face once direction when placed... its annoying.
  4. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    but my atlantis gym ...
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  5. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Answered below by Lucid
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2016
    julio1237878 likes this.
  6. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    soo nice hopefully it will be put on the server :3
  7. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    There is a lot of work to do before i consider recommending it. I am trying to figure out ways to add quests and progession via badges. Lets hope the Pixelmon Devs listen to some of my requests.

    Doing the barrier blocks will be fun. I think if we ever see this in multiplayer, i may have to give rare candies to people that find ways out and around the areas that are meant to be blocked...lol
  8. ABadHaiku_

    ABadHaiku_ Developer

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    No, they're not. I'm currently the only person who has expressed any intent to build gyms for the server. Building anything of any scale REQUIRES creative mode so as to not take decades to build.
    Exactly my point. You're under the delusion that it has to be one or the other; adventure map or survival. What I've been trying to tell you is that I've worked out a compromise. The survival players can still play survival, but the people who want to play Pokemon like Pokemon can go through the Pokemon League. Normally, the League would be build by the staff, but since they've expressed their inability to make builds on this scale within the time limit, I turned to the prospective Gym Leaders.
    The survival world will still exist, and will still be the main focus of the server. However, the different towns will be built in creative and placed along a (frankly quite massive) road.
    In all honesty, I am terrible at Pokemon strategy. I most likely won't be a gym leader. I am building these cities (there will be more) because I am BORED and no one else has stepped up to build for the League.
    The fact is that gyms can't be built in survival. Well, they can, but it would take an exponentially longer amount of time, and that's not the point.
    For all intents and purposes, the survival world and the League are separate. The League (in my opinion) should be a series of staff-protected areas that are built by the players and usable by the public. Gym Leaders would be appointed by the staff, and they would run either a gym that they built or an unoccupied gym.[DOUBLEPOST=1472680651][/DOUBLEPOST]Badge progression will be like in the games: you can get them in any order (it would be best to do them in order, as each gym has a max Pokemon level), but you need to have every badge to challenge the Elite Four.
  9. Fre3bie

    Fre3bie Well-Known Member

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    Saying something like this does a great deal to brush aside every player who has plans they may have not felt a need to announce to everyone. SirStudMuffin is already an example of a player saying in this very thread that they are planning to build their own gym.

    I'm not sure what scale you think gyms should be that the use of creative mode is mandatory for anything to be possible, but people playing on the server aren't complaining that they can't play without creative mode and are just going about playing the game as you normally would so they have resources to build things if they like.
    Lawmonark likes this.
  10. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    Time to defeat a few hundred Abras for ender pearls.
  11. ABadHaiku_

    ABadHaiku_ Developer

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    Think of it this way: imagine that a group has decided to organize a sports division in a region that doesn't have one. They get a few teams to join, and then advertise it so that more teams will ask and be invited in turn, as asking every single individual city's team if they want to join would take too many resources away from actually creating the division.
    Now, imagine that the division is all organized and everything is already set up and designed for maximum efficiency, and a team only then asks why they weren't invited, and demands to join, despite every position being filled and the schedule already being designed.
    The reason the team didn't get to join is that they didn't express an intention to join the division whilst it was being designed, and as such they have little-to-no chance of getting in until the next rotation.
    The same idea applies here.
    A Pokemon League has a very limited number of slots - only eight - and unless prospective gym designers express an intention of creating a city to join the League, they won't get in.
    Which is why I'm building this for/with SirStudMuffin (I just finished the outline of the city, and was about to ask him to give his opinion), as he had already expressed the intention to be the Water-Type Gym Leader and had given the basic idea of what he wanted his gym to be like.
    Oh, I don't know, something like this:

    Or this:
    [The Biospheres album placeholder]
    Oh my god what is with everyone thinking that the League is the whole server? Seriously, I've had to clarify this like 12 times.
    The Pokemon League, as far as I know, should be a staff-organized player-run association of individual player-built cities and gyms SEPERATE from the survival portion of the game. It's still part of the world, but on a protected area of the map (most likely connected to spawn).
  12. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    Would it not make more sense to have this type of area on a separate world, like the farmworld? That is, of course, if it is possible to do that.
  13. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    Would it not make more sense to have this type of area on a separate world, like the farmworld? That is, of course, if it is possible to do that.[DOUBLEPOST=1472697408][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Would it not make more sense to have this type of area on a separate world, like the farmworld? That is, of course, if it is possible to do that.
  14. ABadHaiku_

    ABadHaiku_ Developer

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    Not really. Having it as a separate world would create a severe disconnect and ruin the immersion. It would be possible, of course, but it would be a large devotion of resources that isn't necessary.
  15. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Can you pearl through barrier blocks?...lol
    Will need to test that. Thanks for the heads up[DOUBLEPOST=1472717983][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I looked at this build.. there is nothing in there that cant be done in a couple of weeks.. by your self in survival.
    It its mainly Stone/Cobble/dirt and grass.

    Also, is this the type of build you want to build? i do not think they are "Builder Rank" worthy.

    I would like to see another build from you.
    Fre3bie likes this.
  16. ABadHaiku_

    ABadHaiku_ Developer

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    Well here's the fact: The towns are being built for the good of the server, not for the builder. Therefore, why is it logical to limit the builder in his resources.
    A couple of weeks in survival would be okay if the builder was just building it because he wanted to, but to spend a month of his valuable time working on something that he himself is not going to use gives no incentive for him to build it. This is a voluntary action, after all.
    It's like if a moderator was recruited and given the task to uphold the rules of the server, but in order to kick someone for rule-breaking they had to fill out ten forms and wait twelve-to-fourteen business days for a reply. And this for EVERY. SINGLE. KICK. At some point, would the moderator not just quit?
    You are asking for unnecessary tedium to be applied to a voluntary task that has little benefit to the worker.[DOUBLEPOST=1472726476,1472725757][/DOUBLEPOST]
    What were you expecting, a city of grand scale that took months to build in creative?
    Too large of a city, and it feels dry and lifeless. Too small, and it's stifling. The city I built is, in my opinion, just right. It gives off a theme and a sense of population and life, without being too distracting from the main point. You can't build a city that's just a gym, but making a city where the gym is just a footnote isn't good either.
    It's a simple town, but it serves its purpose.
    I'm currently working on a water town with the same idea. It's a series of connected glass biospheres with a modified ocean monument as the gym.
  17. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    After seeing what @Ben85 managed to do in a couple of weeks, I find it hard to believe that any build can be so resource intensive as to require creative mode.
    Fre3bie and Lawmonark like this.
  18. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Im just gonna use a water temple as my water gym and make it look nice
    Fre3bie and Lawmonark like this.
  19. ABadHaiku_

    ABadHaiku_ Developer

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    You guys keep missing the point. I'm not saying you can't build it in survival mode, I'm saying that you shouldn't be FORCED to. You shouldn't be FORCED to spend weeks painstakingly gathering resources to build something for the server's good, not for his own.
    It's like if an architect was hired to build a skyscraper, but the costs had to come out of his own pocket. How is that logical?
    Did you even read my last post?[DOUBLEPOST=1472776542][/DOUBLEPOST]And what you conveniently forgot to remember was that Ben85 was able to use advanced building guides to build and a draconic staff of power to gather resources, things that we don't have in Pixelmon. The most we have is an Efficiency V pick with Haste II.
    Oh yeah, and he also had CREATIVE FLIGHT.[DOUBLEPOST=1472776693][/DOUBLEPOST]@LucidTheStick What's your opinion on all of this?
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2016
  20. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    We don't provide creative mode on production servers. Fly and god are on the server now. If we did some type of build it'd be on a build server.
    The_Icy_One, Lawmonark and Fre3bie like this.
  21. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    - Hermitcraft is a pure vanilla server, so has even fewer resource gathering options than Pixelmon.
    Lawmonark likes this.

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