Done Someone claimed a healer center from a village

Discussion in 'Pixelmon' started by All_Mighty_POWA, Sep 1, 2016.

  1. All_Mighty_POWA

    All_Mighty_POWA Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    11:52 AM
    Title :p
    Cords are: 2273, 72, -3260
    As warning tell, you're not allowed to claim important structures and this person claimed a healer center from a village
  2. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    12:52 PM
    This is not an issue.

    Healers are easily made and villages are not against getting claimed.
    If someone does not claim them... noobs go in and destroy them anyways for the 1 aluminum plate they give.

    I would much rather have players claim structures then have people destroy them and then there be none left on the server.

    IF you really need a healer, there are many at spawn you can use.
  3. All_Mighty_POWA

    All_Mighty_POWA Well-Known Member

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    11:52 AM
    It's settled then :p PS: maybe add a "Healing buildings don't count" in the warning to avoid future miss interpretations?
    thank you for
    thank you for enlightenment :D
  4. Kronnn

    Kronnn Well-Known Member

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    11:52 AM
    Actually the pokecentres and pokemarts do count. They should be for everyone to use and not just one person, which is why Ive been going around adding admin claims to all the structures I can find (that still allow people to use everything inside, but not break things). Ill come on and have a look.
  5. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    12:52 PM

    The only item in a pokecenter is a healer... which there are like four at spawn and can be crafted really easy. What is it some aluminium and redstone? What is the need for them all to be admin claims?
    I do not agree with the "can not claim world gen" rule.
    Sure maybe the shrines should be admin claims or a better option is create an admin claim with all three spawned there using /struc shrine command.

    Telling players they cant claim ghost towers, villages and other items is like telling vanilla players they cant claim skeleton spawners and villagers. Since all these items are similar. Ghost towers are ugly and made of cobble, i would much rather see players create nice haunted houses around these. The pixelmon that spawn there are not special... since they spawn in most biomes at night.

    If your reason to the ghost towers is "boss pixelmon", this is why i put a Magikarp spawner at spawn, in front of the Pokemart and Pokecenter. All the world gen items in one place. There is no reason to restrict players from building.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2016
  6. wilvin22

    wilvin22 New Member

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    Local Time:
    6:52 AM
    All world gen towns and towers should be protected. They are for everyone's use, not just one persons. I do not know how many times I have been out hunting Pokemon and need healed, but the healer in a town is either claimed or broken. I have to go home or spawn to heal. this is a pain in the back side. More so early game before you get fly or surf. But even with those it is a pain.
    Krhymez this is multiplayer not single player so your argument makes no sense. If the server was an infinite world then claiming a town would not be as bad, but this is a small world. You would not like if your house and chests were free game, so why should a world gen town be free game. If and when the world gets reset, I hope that towns and the area near them are protected like spawn. As you said, healers are easy to make, so why then should it be okay the break or claim world gen ones.

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