Can We Confirm The Rules On Pixelmon Experiment Server?

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Lawmonark, Sep 2, 2016.

  1. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    11:38 AM
    For the past few days there has been some confusion about what is allow and what is not.
    It appears the @Kronnn is the active staff member there, so can we get some clarification.

    From what i was told, there was a rule that NO world generation from the mod can be claimed by the players....?

    I want to start off by saying, i do not agree with this rule, if it even is/can be enforced. In an attempt to make "less policing" on the server, it has caused more work for the mods, that is unnecessary. The only World generation that possibly can/should be claim is shrines.... BUT even then it would be better to just make the three near spawn and claimed (Since the config is changed to more than one use)

    As for the Towers, Pokecenter and Pokemarts. ALL of these things are at spawn. For the tower, i put a Magikarp/Goldeen spawner hidden in the pool at spawn, which will spawn bosses just like those ghost towers. Also those towers do not spawn any specail pixelmon, they all can be found in the wild at night.

    As for the Pokemarts and Pokecenter,They are at spawn, in two differant locations (One at spawn, another at the arena). So there is no need for players to report when another player has claimed or ruined one in the wild. There is nothing special about these. They can be easily built by players.

    If it was up to me, i would say allow players to build anywhere in the wild. Because these "rules" are like telling vanilla players that they cant claim skeleton spawners or villages.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2016
    YourMCGeek and Necro6300 like this.
  2. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    I agreen with the rurule myself. A player is yes able to go back to spawn but then has to start the long walk. Also the pokecenters and pokemarts are being repaired and admin claimed so players can use them
    Lamar43 likes this.
  3. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    11:38 AM
    Then what about the rule being you cant destroy them in the wild... but nothing about not being able to claim them.

    If staff are considered about the "long walk", someone can teleport to 1k, 2k, 3k...ect and use the /struc center1 then claim that.
    Most people who explore can also carry a healer with them, then silk touch it. In the pokemon game, when your party dies, it teleports you to your last center. If that was in pixelmon... for most people that would be spawn.
    Necro6300 likes this.
  4. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    10:38 AM
    i thought the rule was that anything that spawns something cannot be destroyed or claimed
  5. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    11:38 AM
    This is what we are trying to clarify.
    There are so many Pokeloots on the ground, that people will have to claim around them?
    I would think not. I feel players should be able to claim Towers and villages, if they plan to build there. BUT not just try and claim masterballs to be spiteful... since you cant break them anyway without tnt.

    Maybe we should get a community poll on this? Personally i would love to see people make haunted houses on those ugly cobble towers. I am sure if people do make them, they will want people to come play there and share their build.
    Necro6300 likes this.
  6. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    10:38 AM
    Is it not still possible to access the master balls which have been claimed?
    johnfg10 likes this.
  7. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    11:38 AM
    No. Just like you cant use healers in claims. (maybe thats a change that can be made)
    But i put 4 master balls at spawn. 1 in plain sight and 3 semi hidden.
    The pokeloot was cranked up to a high number, so this should not even be an issue.
    I can see if the defualt settings of 1 per 64 chunks is what the server used.. but its not.
    It is using 1 per 10 near spawn and 1 per 18 when you are further away.
    there are places where you can see poke loot in chains or right next to each other.
    Necro6300 likes this.
  8. recaltotal

    recaltotal Well-Known Member

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    10:38 AM
    lets go over this in points
    1. towers
    the masterlootbox is a 1time claim item once its claimed thats it claimed regardless to it being player claimed
    the spawners work and you can fight regardless to player claim
    i understand that players want to fight the mobs in them i would like a counter proposal on the rule. players CAN claim towers but. with full container access and the ability to go to each floor ie elevators ladders ext..
    ^^^ this protects the building and allows players to build them up nice
    [​IMG] "world gen tower" no access to the top because you have to be able to fly to get up[​IMG] my tower i wasnt allowed to finish had no door on floor access with ladders and elevators going up though each floor [​IMG] another players tower all neat and finished but not able to claim for its protection
    right lets pass this topic now
    2. pokemon centers if you hop over to the 1.7.10 server good luck finding a unlooted pokemon center they dont exist anymore due to players taking them to bits. players dont complain about it because the issue wasnt outlined till this rule got put into place
    it is easy to make a healer
    pokemon centers dont have traders like they used to
    healers break if you break them
    3. a few villages have been "admin" claimed this has removed the ability to use the traders in the "pokeshop" so then i call upon admins breaking there own rules stopping players from using "reusable" worldgen structures

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  9. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Thats a nice build @recaltotal , i still want to see an old haunted mansion. Spruce floors, broken stairs, bookcases in a library..ect. Would be an epic build. Like from the anime
  10. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    10:38 AM
    the issue with that recal is then ppl will live in them and we will have to deal with all the griefs from the ppl going "someone took xyz"
  11. recaltotal

    recaltotal Well-Known Member

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    if u decide to live in it then its your own fault for being greifed if you live in a place with container access it would be the "players" fault

    when i finished the build i intended on moving "lower" so players cannot even get to my base and i was going to put a healer pc and trader in that bottom room
    Lawmonark likes this.
  12. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    thats why you have a hidden room for storage, since people cant break blocks... they cant get to it. BUT who said you need to live here?
    This is only one build, i hope to see many from people.
  13. Fre3bie

    Fre3bie Well-Known Member

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    7:38 AM
    The rule regarding claiming naturally generated structures exists to help make sure these buildings remain accessible for everyone. We're aware that some players may have good intentions, but this doesn't always represent everyone. With the staff team setting protective claims around the various structures it will allow anyone to make use of them without any form of damage occurring, or having to worry about a player owning these structures. As for the aesthetic of the Haunted Towers, with them being claimed by the staff team it means in the future we may opt to have staff or certain players work to redesign them. This would allow them to remain completely functional while also appearing more visually pleasing for players to explore or fight in.

    As for claims around Pokéloot Chests, it's understandable if during building they're accidentally claimed due to the density of them - however making claims to include Master or Ultra level ones is more of a problem because it completely denies their use to other players, as they can be re-looted after a set time.

    Bear in mind that as stated in the server launch thread the server is experimental while we work to make sure everything is stable and enjoyable for players, because of this, making specific rules and guidelines aren't always the highest priority. If you're in doubt if something is alright to do, it's best to ask a staff member so they can help clarify.
    Lamar43 and johnfg10 like this.
  14. recaltotal

    recaltotal Well-Known Member

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    how can u say that your 1st line...
    i have found 2 shopping areas admin claimed so players cannot use
  15. Fre3bie

    Fre3bie Well-Known Member

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    Feel free to report these where you find them so it can be looked into and corrected.
  16. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    10:38 AM
    yes there is currently a bug in our grief protection version which will hopeful soon be resolved then you will be able to use the shops
  17. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    11:38 AM
    I do not agree with this.

    IF staff wants to set up areas that players can heal.. fine. Go to the following cords.
    1k x 1k, 2k x 2k, 3k x 3k...ect and make a /struc center1 then claim that. That would be less time consuming then trying to locate all the ones on the map and having an Admin claim them. Also most players carry around a healer anyway, i believe you can silk touch them.... still this is not important.. if your pixelmon all die, they can go to their base or spawn.

    Same with towers, if you want to make ONE tower for all, then put it near spawn... Its ugly so i wouldnt.

    But for all the ones in the wild... i would not make this a rule. Pokecenters are all over them map. Some ever as close as 200 blocks of each other... are you tell me that an admin will fly over the whole map claiming these? That is a waste of time for what they are.

    Why do people think these structures are so important? they have nothing that a player cant make themselves (Except of the spawner in the tower, but i put one of those at spawn). Also these towers only spawn ghost pokemon.. which spawn naturally at night.

    I guess we are just not going to agree with this rule. Since it is a rule, i wont argue about it.... All i can say is restricting players from building at these locations is kinda pointless. There is more than enough loot and structures for people to have fun with.... without telling them they cant.
    Necro6300 likes this.
  18. Necro6300

    Necro6300 Well-Known Member

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    8:38 PM
    Not to mention that you said re-looting the masterball containers you CAN NOT re loot the chest at the top of the haunted towers once it has been looted by a player they do not refresh at all. each player can loot a haunted tower container ONCE and once only. so if 1 person is to claim these that is 1 container that players will be able to loot once tbh people probably miss the 4 at spawn each day n then there like oh i got to go loot this i for one know of at least 43 masterball containers that myself n Recal have found through out the whole of the map if a player is so concerned about looting a one of loot chest they should not be so lazy and go hunting for them like everyone else as for the spawners like previously stated that you can battle them inside a claimed area anyway. and there at least 5 people that i know of that are living in pokemon centers is this not a world gen?? dose that mean that those people have to up n leave there bases like myself n recal had to i mean whats good for 1 is good for all no??
    Lawmonark and recaltotal like this.
  19. Thy_RedDragon

    Thy_RedDragon Well-Known Member

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    10:38 AM
    *tears up* *slow clap* well said
    Necro6300 likes this.

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