Pokemon League Organization

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by ABadHaiku_, Sep 3, 2016.

  1. ABadHaiku_

    ABadHaiku_ Developer

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    6:39 PM
    A Pokemon League is an organized group of players taking upon the role of "Gym Leaders" under the supervision of the staff, and such a group cannot be organized under the current state of hearsay and unspoken plans. As such, I am making this thread for all prospective Gym Leaders to collaborate and sanction their responsibilities.

    After spending the last few days coming up with ideas, I have designed a hierarchy of sorts that is sure to maximize efficiency and playtime. Without going too in-depth on the topic, the idea is that there will be main gym leaders for each type and then substitute gym leaders for each type. There may be a Super-Sub, whose task is to fill in for any and all absent gym leaders at the time of a battle. This is all currently up in the air, but I hope that working with the staff we can arrange a system that benefits the largest amount of players.

    At the moment, I only know of two people who wish to become Gym Leaders: me (ABadHaiku) and SirStudMuffin. I am currently undecided, and am just building various themed gym-towns, but SirStudMuffin has indicated his wish to become the water-type gym leader.

    If you intend to be a gym leader on the Pixelmon|Next server, I implore you to state your intent in the comments below, so as to catalogue and design an efficient and effective Pokemon League.
  2. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    10:39 PM
    From what I remember
    @Necro6300 is the fire gym
    @Rubijox is the electric gym
    I'm the water gym
    Although we have to wait and see what @Krhymez and @LucidTheStick say about gyms, the plugins are there just not used at this present time
  3. The_True_Bronya

    The_True_Bronya *SirDireTheBrave*

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    11:39 PM
  4. Thy_RedDragon

    Thy_RedDragon Well-Known Member

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    10:39 PM
    I have started to build the mahogany gym (ice type)
    If possible may i be the Ice type gym?
  5. ABadHaiku_

    ABadHaiku_ Developer

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    6:39 PM
    Alright, look, here's what I know for certain: Lucid is going to be the champion, staff are going to be the elite four, and none of this is set in stone yet. @LucidTheStick himself said that there are no set plans and everything's still heavily up in the air.
  6. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    It's very exciting when lucid says it heavily up in the air, ANYTHING can happen and that excites me
  7. Thy_RedDragon

    Thy_RedDragon Well-Known Member

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    10:39 PM
    please think about it though i had to clear alot of ground and im putting alot of work into it
  8. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    10:39 PM
    I very much doubt lucid will be champion though, he has other important things to do
    Lawmonark likes this.
  9. ABadHaiku_

    ABadHaiku_ Developer

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    Look: I have no authority on this matter. This is just a place for us to collaborate in the workplace in making a League and share the means of production what gyms have been built.
    Also Sir, I've been working on the water city. If we could talk on Skype, that would be great.[DOUBLEPOST=1472948656][/DOUBLEPOST](No socialism here I swear)
  10. Kronnn

    Kronnn Well-Known Member

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    10:39 PM
    Might want to wait and see what gets decided for gyms before making plans to build/train specifically for being a leader. And all of that wont come before the pack/server is stable.
  11. Necro6300

    Necro6300 Well-Known Member

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    @Kronnn All well n good to say wait to start training them but what are we gonna do when the decision is made and non of us have our pokes ready to be gym pokemon. Are the staff gonna spawn us in a specific set of pokes that we want? like not trying to be rude or anything im just asking xD.

    also @ABadHaiku_ i used to be a pixlemon gym leader on another server that had a few thousand members on it as well though we had a Head gym leader (he was incharge of the other fire leaders) and then 3 fire leaders. We would take turns in manning the gym during the coarse of the day/night depending on the time zone.

    and from what i remember,
    @recaltotal was creating a Fighting gym or Psychic
    @snakeworm11 was doing Steel type
    @SirStudMuffin was water type
    @Thy_RedDragon was Ice type
    @Necro6300 was Fire type
    @Rubijox was electric type
    @direwolf221 was normal type
    Also there are a total of 42 badges in pixlemon so there are no shortages of badges most of them have 2 or more of the same type I.E there are 2 fire badges Volcano and Heat, This may mean that some players may want to 2 gyms of a certain type of gym but with a different badge if this is the case i know that
    @charmander196 would also like to be a Fire type gym leader so she would be able to have the Heat Badge while i myself would have the Volcano Badge (as im building a volcano to put my gym in xD)

    there maybe others but this is what im aware of our player base do well at communicating with each other. As there have been no fights as yet over who is doing what gym with out too much help from mods or admins we have slowly started to put together as list of who's doing what. Like stated though nothing is set in stone but as you can see were all keen to get in there n try our best.

    a few rules with gym battles that i myself have experienced over n over again on different servers that seem to stick no matter where u go these are up for debate and change depending on how were gonna do our gym lay out and lvls

    1: No Legendary's in Gym battles from either the Leader or the Challenger
    2: If you lose to the leader you may not challenge him/her again for another 2 hrs or for till the next day (this one varies depending on how many other leaders there are in that gym)
    3: now this one is up for heavy debate if u lose to the leader you pay him 3k if u win against a leader he pays you 6k (So you get 3k from the leader + your money back). Now in saying this the challenger puts up the money for the leader to hold (optional as not all servers i played on did this just the one i was a leader of did) this adds a bit of spice and depending on our economy this amount could be more or less that way it will make challenging a gym more exciting and have greater rewards. On the flip side you may not challenge a leader after u have won (at least not for rewards).
    4: You must show the badge of the previous gym in order to fight the leader (and put up the money if decided on)
    5: Upon winning against the leader u will get a Tm(depending on type of gym) and a Badge
    6: Don't Push in line and be RESPECTFUL of others.
    7: IF there is a lvl cap at the gym non of your pokemon may exceed that lvl cap. I.E lvl cap is 80 u rock up with a lvl 81 the leader forfits the match and keeps your money. The same will happen if you pop out a legendary in your party.
    8: This one is also up for heavy debate depending on how we run things. The leader and challenger will only battle with 3 pokes each so he will pick 3 out of his 6 to fight a player. ( this was also a rule that as only enforced on some servers, some let you use all 6 others only 3).
    9: If you disconnect or lag out of the game during the battle you will have 3 min to reconnect other. Wise u will move back one spot if you dc for 10+ min it will be counted as a loss and u fight the leader again when your timer is off.

    and thats all i can remember atm from other servers has been about 2 years since i was a leader so im a lil foggy haha.

    I hope i have helped in anyway =)

    Cheers Necro
  12. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    11:39 PM
    I prefer these rules.
    1. No more than ONE legendary on your team (this is fair since there are regular pixelmon with higher individual stats than a Legendary)
    2. No more then TWO of the same pixelmon on a team. (Meaning you cant have three of the same pixelmon)
    3. I do not think player gyms should be level locked. Keep them 100. This way there is no confusion and all the people challenging are leveled up. If not gyms like Rock and water will be over worked... while gyms like Ground and psychic will have fewer challengers.
    4. No paying to challenge... what happens when the gym leader losses more than they win, where does the money come from?
    5. There is a mod server side that can control when a player can challenge again (This time is up to the community but i say 2-4hrs)
  13. ABadHaiku_

    ABadHaiku_ Developer

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    6:39 PM
    Honestly, I think there should be a level cap for each gym, otherwise, what, are gym leaders going to carry a team for each level tier?
    Players can disable Pokemon leveling for the battles, and that worked for 3 years on my old Pixelmon server.
    Also, something I'd like to ask: when any of you finish a gym town, could you please send it to me so I can add NPCs?
    Also, please make sure your builds aren't JUST gyms. There needs to be a town surrounding it, however small.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2016
  14. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    10:39 PM
    The main issue with this system is that the gym leaders can't be online at all times, which may lock out people whose schedules prevent them from playing during these periods.
  15. ABadHaiku_

    ABadHaiku_ Developer

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    6:39 PM
    Which is why there will be substitute gym leaders.
    Haven't you been listening?
  16. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    11:39 PM
    This is what NPC leaders are for. badges 1-8 should be gen 1 badges and have progression.

    I guess i just have a differant vision for a good pixelmon server.
  17. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    10:39 PM
    My apologies for my fallibility.

    In case you haven't already answered it in one of your previous statements, would the substitute leaders hold identical pixelmon to the primary leaders?
  18. ABadHaiku_

    ABadHaiku_ Developer

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    6:39 PM
    My idea is a smaller Pokemon League, with eight gyms, an elite four, and a champion. It can be expanded with more regions if need-be, but for the most part it won't. If Pixelmon|Next is anything like every other MyM server, it'll have at most as many players as my old server, which stuck with an eight-gym League run by active players (no endgame as of then), and nobody ever complained. And that was the ENTIRE MAP (aside from a player-housing area). The server lasted for three years and two versions of Pixelmon, and everyone was happy.
    7000 unique hits at its peak and ~100 active players per day. Maybe it was a fluke, maybe it was lightning that struck where it will never strike again, but it worked.[DOUBLEPOST=1472990651][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Ideally, yes. The gym loadouts would be standardized so as to not give an easier or harder challenge with a sub vs the actual leader.
  19. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    11:39 PM
    My idea is a tab bit different.
  20. ABadHaiku_

    ABadHaiku_ Developer

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    6:39 PM
    Also, you do realize that NPCs can't do that, right? They're remarkably limited. "Gym Leaders" in villages are only regular trainers, and don't give anything besides money. Trainers can only be assigned a level bracket, not what type they have or what Pokemon they have.
    The only way to make a Pokemon League is to have actual players as the leaders.

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