Making an MMO combat modpack for online: Any suggestions?

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by fizzydog64, Sep 5, 2016.

  1. fizzydog64

    fizzydog64 Well-Known Member

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    9:58 PM
    I've been working with CustomNPCs for a while now, making an adventure map for minecraft, when I realized I'd like it to have a little bit more style than that. So, following that, I've made it essentially a skyblock which relies on adventuring into custom dimensions for loot.

    While that sounds all well and good, it doesn't have much potential for multiplayer. So, considering this, I'm planning on making a new pack that would be able to run on servers and be played through multiple times, similar to how mmos function. Considering this is my favorite community, I'd like to ask a few questions based on this while I work, to get a better understanding of what to make it like.

    So, if you would be so kind, could you please answer the following questions/make suggestions?

    A: Should the modpack be exclusively Adventure, or should it also have elements of survival. And in the case that it should have more survival elements, would you rather the survival elements to be based in skyblock or in normal fashion (infinity and the like)?

    B: If the modpack features survival elements, should it also function as a tech/magic pack?

    C: What mods would you like to see in it?

    D: Should it be 1.7/1.8/1.9?

    Any answers or suggestions would be appreciated, and thanks for reading the post.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2016
  2. HelloKittyPhone

    HelloKittyPhone Well-Known Member

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    1:58 PM
    A. Should have elements of survival, considering that you're saying it's SkyBlock.

    B. Sì

    C. Blood Magic :D

    D. 1.8

  3. fizzydog64

    fizzydog64 Well-Known Member

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    9:58 PM
    Sorry, I misworded it, I was saying should a new one feature survival at all, or should it just be pure adventure
  4. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    2:58 PM
    Here is my opinion

    A: I Think featuring survival would be a nice idea and having it in a skyblock fashion saves the pain of not having to worry about players destroying the landscape to build their base.

    B: I would keep tech out of the equation since most MMO are fantasy style with out fancy machines and Ik that some mmo offer tech but they do it in a fashion that it's not like having futuristic machinery around.

    C: I would love to see Thaumcraft If possible.

    D: I say 1.9 or higher if possible.

    Other Suggestions is the possibility of classes in your normal mmo game you are able to choose different classes, you have your regular set of mage , archer and knight, I also want to add that not many mmo add the ability to choose for a summoner or necromancer but thats another story. There is also the ability to choose subclasses/jobs things like jobs allow you to make use of the things you collect from monsters , ores, and quest things like a blacksmith allow you to make weapons out of the metal you find or a Carpenter that gives you the ability to refine the wood you find and allows you to refine it into useful stuff etc, There is also the ability to find specific things in specific places let say ores, in a normal minecraft world you would just dig a hole and find the ores you are looking for but why not have let say specific places where you find let say Iron or Gold something like quarries that you can find at this location of the map and there are mods that allow different alloys , ores and metal to the game which should improve how many strong weapons you get.

    Hope the last text is understandable if not just tell me.
  5. fizzydog64

    fizzydog64 Well-Known Member

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    9:58 PM
    If anyone knows a new dimension mod (as in custom dimensions) past 1.7.10, please tell me. It looks like the best ones are for 1.7.10 at the moment
  6. HelloKittyPhone

    HelloKittyPhone Well-Known Member

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    1:58 PM
    I know you said not 1.7.10, but Advent of Acention/Nevermine has like 23 dimensions in the mod.
  7. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    Extra dimensions are usually bad if you are gearing for servers.
  8. fizzydog64

    fizzydog64 Well-Known Member

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    9:58 PM
    I was really aiming for one extra dimension, IE Normal and Farm World style except one Skyblock and one Adventure. I know there are a few other ways round this using server side plugins, but having it function without that is the aim for me


    Although since you're here lucid, do you recommend any mods to NOT install for a server focused modpack?
  9. roobarb2

    roobarb2 Bah, life is over rated

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    9:58 PM
    MCMMO MCMMO MCMMO MCMMO MCMMO MCMMO MCMMO MCMMO, WAIT YOUR MAKING A MODPACK FIZZY? Make something similiar to minescape...... I will spam you on steam now C:[DOUBLEPOST=1473070699,1473069956][/DOUBLEPOST]I'm now going to do a massive message okdokie, get ur popcorn because its gunna be big!

    A.It'd be nice if we got a custom map, kind of like the old pokemon server with the gyms, and like a minescape map, it'd be nice to have a custom world generator (if thats a thing and its easy enough to do, but keep in mind this stuff is just ideas, not saying you HAVE to do this, or to try this thing EXACTY, you can do it differently and this idea is probably not possible just an idea or get the builders that usually build for the community to help etc)

    B. Like Julio mentioned, it'd be cool if we could have a sort of skill tree / job tree, so like I start as the main three classes, knight mage archer etc, then knight mage and archer have two sub classes, knight can go into like tank/aggro or become high dmg low health, mage can become a necromancer or something else stuff like that, it'd also have for mage you can designate what kind of magic you would like to main so like, if I was mage I'd designate fire magic, I'd do more fire damage with fire magic, but less with the others, this could become interesting if certain enemys were resistant to certain types, reminder guys most of this is impossible I'm just chucking some ideas around that can be simplified and maybe put into the game, plus I know like 8/10ths of this ISN'T going to be possible and none of it will be implemented but I just like typing big messages so yeah.

    C. Like I said before MCMMO would be interesting and could help with stats etc. but again It'd be nice if we had something like a minescape server on the network, I think Minescape mym would be awesome, maps are easy to download for minescape and theres a website which contains everything to explain etc, right now I'm rambling now so meh.

    I'm going to end this here because this message is useless and yeah, I'd love to see a minescape server C: that'd be nice and it'd probably be played alot, (Oldschool minescape..... New minescape is horrible) But yeah this is just my ideas that'll never be used and I just wanted to throw my brain onto a page with all of my ideas intact, so yeah. Don't respond to this message unless you have something non-insulting to my message because I put alot of effort into it. So yeah. :D[DOUBLEPOST=1473070752][/DOUBLEPOST]Woops I didn't read all of julios message because he mentioned alot of my shtuff .-. woops .-. I'm gonna look like I copied him D:
  10. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    10:58 PM
    I would not do this project with mods. There are plugins that make this better BUT if i had to choose one mod for an RPG MMO feel.
    That mod would be terrafirmacraft. It is the only mod that reminds me of old rpgs. Since it has seasons and its progression can be jobs. Also the fact that the world has climates.
  11. roobarb2

    roobarb2 Bah, life is over rated

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    9:58 PM
    Terrafirmacraft is a sort of RPG mod but its very very hard ._.
  12. Davidmb12

    Davidmb12 Well-Known Member

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    10:58 PM
    A. Definitly survival elements

    B. Magic cuz mmo's are usualy about magic and fantasy

    C. I WOULD LOVE TO SEE ARS MAGICA 2 cuz i think that custom spells and bosses that are included in ars magica would fit well with the mmo fantasy/magic

    D. i dont really know :I
  13. HypoAkatsu

    HypoAkatsu Active Member

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    4:58 PM
    A. Survival elements.

    B. Magic, you don't see many huge magic modpacks that aren't outdated/no fun anymore, and besides there's already a huge ocean for tech packs :p

    C. Ars Magica 2 and Thaumcraft

    D. 1.7/1.8.9 would be fine.

    I don't see an issue with Ars Magica 2, in my opinion, I think it depends on what mods you're forcing in there lol. For example, Enviromine and Ars Magica, there are potion ID conflicts. But I haven't seen AM2 do any serious damage to any modpacks, other than people complaining that it's buggy of course. I always see a low appreciation for Ars Magica 2 and what it can possibly do. Combine Ars Magica 2 with a few other mods, and well, it makes for some interesting PvP. It can make your enemy slower, fall faster, fly up in the air, combust into flames, poisoned (i think.), and some of the spells have great damage output; such as firestorm, blizzard, or starstrike. I know that some people really don't like Ars Magica 2, but I hope you give it a try for the modpack. But hey, I could probably ramble on all day about Ars Magica 2, so I'm gonna stop here.
  14. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    AM2 has issues with KCauldron which @johnfg12 will be glad to rant about, so would probably not be a great candidate in 1.7, although from what I am hearing about Sponge in newer versions, they are likely to work well together if AM2 updates to 1.8 and 1.9.
  15. SmallEnderman

    SmallEnderman Member

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    10:58 PM
    MAKE IT FAST xP and tell us the name of the server pack would be great
  16. roobarb2

    roobarb2 Bah, life is over rated

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    9:58 PM
    I don't get it, why does everybody obsess about magic mods? How about a mmo modpack, WITHOUT MAGIC??? Heh? Heh? Also all of these suggestions are for MMO RPG'S just throwing that out there
    Lawmonark likes this.
  17. SmallEnderman

    SmallEnderman Member

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    mmo include skills, skills include magic, magic includes witchery/thaumcraft ect
    this is McmmoRpg or MMO. so magic is always something in there. as there is not some mods that make SAO (anime) Realistic then you need to make it into Alfheim online (2e season of SAO) so JUST DO IT
  18. fizzydog64

    fizzydog64 Well-Known Member

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    9:58 PM
    ars magica is definitely a good idea, because its the only mod i can think of that adds magic spells to be used properly
  19. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Not if you want balance or stability.

    For a "good" minecraft MMORPG, less is more.
    There are a few "race" mods but even those cause balance issues.

    There is currently a big mmo server and the reason its so successful is.... it uses vanilla as its base. Everything added is done with plugins.

    Once you start adding mods that add weapons, armor and magic... you cause the players to all be forced into whats the strongest.
  20. fizzydog64

    fizzydog64 Well-Known Member

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    In my opinion, thats how games are supposed to be played. A sense of progression is important, with tiered weapons proving better and better. The main thing about this modpack is that it will heavily feature the custom npcs mod, and will have basically every recipe modified as to allow for progression, so having additional mods to add additional gameplay would be ideal for me.

    The reality of the situation is that having a modpack with mods which add magic would allow for much better control and quality of gameplay than similar plugins would, so I plan to embrace that.

    And as you kind of pointed out, balance issues can be fixed thanks to various mods, allowing for a very simple progression system to be put into place fixing those issues.


    That being said, I do understand what you mean about being pigeonholed into requiring certain items for maximum efficiency, IE TiC Crossbows have a advantage over EVERY other ranged weapon type, and this is something that I'm going to try and fix by giving each weapon type a specific trait/gameplay style.

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