I am having a number of problems since the patch and upgrade. - After a couple time successfully sending out a pokemon, it will stop responding. (i.e. the glitch) - all pixelmon related commands return errors - cannot using chest(pokeballs or flickering lights) What does work - PC works directly - Heal works - Rancher works (with ivs not working just making eggs though) = can look at pokemon stats through PC and inventory.
1. Fixed 2. This is a error with side mods currently I will lookninto it tomorrow 3. We need more info please
Thanks for working on this, this is beta so problems are expected. As for the last problem. When I right click on the poke ball or block that sparkles nothing happens. No message or sound. Used to provide a random drop.
Strange I'll have a look later feel that might be am therr bug with the mod. To be sure you went in a claim were you?