We recently updated from beta5 to beta7 (if the anyone wasn't aware) and we haven't seen any sign of the original glitch (or so i think .-.) but instead a new glitch, which existed prior to beta7, but only occurred once or twice, but now we're getting it every restart, from 5m-45m after restart. The symptoms are not as bad: Can't Send Out Pokemon. I discovered a way to get around this glitch, (and i think i was the first to announce it at least, srry if im wrong) any projectile object can "aggro" a pokemon, like a pigman. And it will become aggressive and attack you if you get close enough, (passive mobs still like to run away, but still attack). Although this works, it still limits the ability to mount and use external moves. Thanks for reading -Hayden
I have been personally playing pixelmon to reproduce this glitch and playing normally does not cause it as far as I have seen. The past week I have played on pixelmon 1.10 trying to get this glitch to happen in battle and I am not able to reproduce so it has something to do with what the players getting it are doing to get it. Can someone please explain in detail how to reproduce this glitch? Other than playing normally.
The issue is, no one knows most of the time theres just a large lag spike, then we realize that NO ONE can send out pokemon, it's quite weird, it happened after between every restart after the beta7 update