Implemented Interdiction Matrix

Discussion in 'CrackPack' started by _sivi, Jul 11, 2014.

  1. _sivi

    _sivi Member

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    Greetings, so here is what happened to me few moments ago. I was flying around using jetpack on my Power Suit, exploring and stuff. And when I passed around these coordinates (1400X 60Z ) my entire inventory got deleted. So I complained in chat, and Knoxz mentioned Interdiction Matrix item. (and after 2 minutes he was there and killed me xD ). So, it's not a big deal that i lost my good armor and items, not a big deal at all. But I did a research came to a conclusion that this item is over powered ( OP as hell). Apparently it can put restrictions on players passing specific area, or kill all mobs and players in it. You can check it yourself on the following link Interdiction Matrix - Feed The Beast Wiki .

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  2. _sivi

    _sivi Member

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    P.S. This can be considered as my request for banning this item, as it is over powered.
    And btw, I have a suspicion that Knoxz is involved in this, as when I complained in main chat he was there in 2 min and killed me, and he is familiar with this item.
  3. Jstyler91

    Jstyler91 Classic

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    I mean by all means, if you're looking at decreasing the player base for crackpack then keep this item..
  4. AlexisRoger

    AlexisRoger Well-Known Member

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    I wouldnt have a problem if the confiscation and kill modules were incompatible with camofalgue, or he had the common decency to put in a warning module

    I also just lost my spellbook looking for a silverwood tree. I've randomly lost 1 weeks worth of gametime without any fun of a PVP fight.

    I read extensively and there is no counter except a biometric identifier... which needs the shields frequency to work, which has 999,999ish possible combinations.

    Its simple. redress this issue, or I'll cover the entire map with these devices starting at spawn and spreading out in 251 block diamiter sections.

    Common curtesy:... if you're using this with confiscation or instant kill: no save, add the warning device or remove the camoflage.
  5. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    The Interdiction Matrix needs the "Anti-Personal Module" for the instant kill which is banned since the start of crackpack.
  6. _sivi

    _sivi Member

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    Alexis I'll help you with that btw :D
  7. AlexisRoger

    AlexisRoger Well-Known Member

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    true, but still doesnt recfify camoflague + confiscation with no warning addon, which is still instant kill if your flying (and name 1 person who doesnt fly?) and good, Kirk. I lack machinery. Doing themed RP PVP. I dont even have a dynamo yet
  8. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    we can't disable the combination, if you would have to pick, which one would you disable?
  9. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Oh, I thought this upgrade takes only dropped items. If i'm not wrong then there is without the camoflage upgrade still a way to have it invisible or not?
  10. AlexisRoger

    AlexisRoger Well-Known Member

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    collection module picks up dropped items. Confiscate module removes all items from players, inventory, quickslot, armour, weapons, probably tinkers hearts too but I didn't have any.

    Since this is supposed to be fun PVP fighting, of the two I'd scrap camoflage personally. If they have a FF, its for block protection. if they want to be invulnerable, let them be visible, and be able to have campers at their gates.

    However for less server total griefing like... say... covering the entire world with confiscation modules... get rid of that. Probably best put it to a vote or read people's responses here.
    Jstyler91 likes this.
  11. _sivi

    _sivi Member

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    No Confiscation deleted my entire inventory without any warnings or clues that its gonna happen, as I said I was flying, exploring and suddenly my entire inventory got cleared and i droped in water... Items did not drop anywhere on ground or so, they were deleted.
  12. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    I banned the Silence Module now. So you can walk around and get a warning but with fly you are to fast.
  13. AlexisRoger

    AlexisRoger Well-Known Member

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    ty. thats still a vast improvement.
  14. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    The confiscation modules sole purpose is to steal items. No one would use this for anything else then that. Now I do not know if this is allowed but being able to steal a players whole inventory should not be possible. If I would make the decision I would ban it.

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  15. AlexisRoger

    AlexisRoger Well-Known Member

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    My only frustration was the lack of warning, and it bypassed the spellbook's soulbound enchantment.

    You can give it a filter to only steal specific items like say... nukes for defense. Thats fair enough. But everything, when all I was doing was looking for a silverwood tree? That was a bit excessive, especially given its 250 block radius, covering over 100 chunks...
  16. Jstyler91

    Jstyler91 Classic

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    Seeing as nothing is being done about it.. let's build 4-6 of those around knoxs base with max radius, see how he likes it.
    888leoj likes this.
  17. 888leoj

    888leoj Well-Known Member

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    yeah the item steal module is really op but without the silence module you should be able to get warned when getting close to an area of confiscation of items and you should mostly be able to turn back before entering the area and losing your inv and if you dont have the time to turn back well you just lost your items
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2014
  18. Jstyler91

    Jstyler91 Classic

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    Yeah the warning will help but I use the power suit to explore and get to locations, mine flies so fast it would have to warn me in advance at least 50-100 blocks for me to even think of slowing down.

    I just don't see the need for this confiscation module on any server, it's more OP than godmode and infinite resources combined.

    Everyone wants it banned yet nothing is being done about...
  19. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    I fully agree with this. The confiscation module should be banned

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    888leoj likes this.
  20. 888leoj

    888leoj Well-Known Member

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    yeah it really should be banned because of how op it is you would still be able to defend ur base with anti build and the other module theres no need to steal someones items to defend ur base.

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