Yo, baby. I get that the nuke is a big deal and all that, but why ban the item? It's the fault of the user if it destroys everything, after all. A bunch of rewards have just been trashed because of ??? (if its cos it crashes or summin then fair nuff)
A bunch of rewards were trashed because "Oh look at me I used this thing and now my base is gone rollback rollback rollback" "No, this is your own fault" "THIS SURVUR SUCKS HURHURHURHURHURAHSDNASDUAS" <- actual conversation those people have had, also massive greif opportunities
The rewards are fully customizable in the config files so just turning of the bad/undesired ones is another possibility.
I already tried that, turned few off and got reports about more issues with chance cubes. It also doesn't tell how the reward is called in the config.
according to caz, it was who4 or how4 i dont remember exactly EDIT Well, this is the big draconic evolution nuke i'm talking about
and yea, maybe ban placing them in overworld and nether - there is spectre room from spectre key - let ppl use that to open isoblablabladrons there
what about the people that have stuff in there like machines and what not? if anything we could have people open them in the last millenium, the dimention is entirely void.