No-Refund rule

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Suh_Brinaa, Sep 13, 2016.

  1. Suh_Brinaa

    Suh_Brinaa New Member

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    Local Time:
    4:18 AM
    There was a server rollback on node 1 of skyfactory, i had recently made a set of Zivicio armor for my island mate (yesterday) and i placed it in a chest for him to find next time he logged on. While playing today we were both on and i gave him his armor, he put it on and we continued playing. Without warning the server closed for maintenance( said what it normally says when server restarts) we get back on and my island mate was not wearing his armor. The chest i had put the armor in had not respawned either, yet all our other chests rolled back, including my inventory. I went onto ts and talked to a few Jr. staff members and i was told that there was a no refund policy, i was not aware of this because that is not stated in the rules i agreed to when i joined the skyfactory server. If it is a policy i wish to have it in the rules on the server so it is shown whenever a player reads /rules because those are the rules i agreed apon before playing.
  2. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    8:18 AM
  3. Mouro

    Mouro Well-Known Member

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    8:18 AM
    There is one line that says something like this:
    "The full rules to which you agree by not leaving the server are available here:"
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2016
    wyndman likes this.
  4. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Those online rules need changing, not the clearest on the no refund policy tbh
  5. Werwolfi_de

    Werwolfi_de Well-Known Member

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    9:18 AM
    I think its clear enough. the server rules are set at the first time the server launches but the rules which are more up to date is the page. Its noted in the rules so you should check them too.

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