[Ozone 2] Erebus bosses spawn egg recipes

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Fehniix, Sep 21, 2016.

  1. Fehniix

    Fehniix Well-Known Member

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    The Erebus bosses drop items necessary for progression, but as of right now, there are none left to fight - they have all been killed.
    There is not another way to obtain those items, unless rushing online immediately after the reset and hope to be the first one - out of many players - to kill the boss you are looking for and progress further.
    Having a recipe for the spawn eggs would be perfect, it would work exactly the same way it does already with the resurrection ritual for the Ender Dragon - same problem, same solution.
  2. Rubijox

    Rubijox Well-Known Member

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    you dont actually need this for the dragon though, you can ressurect it using draconic evolution
  3. fizzydog64

    fizzydog64 Well-Known Member

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    I was on fairly late to get to the erebus, and I managed to find three of the tarantula bosses and two of the pyramid bosses within an hour. It isn't as hard as people make it out to be, but the reset should definitely be weekly.
    Fehniix likes this.
  4. Fehniix

    Fehniix Well-Known Member

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    Which is the point.
    Integrating a similar mechanic would mean developing a mod by itself, which is tedious. Introducing a recipe for spawn eggs, instead, makes it fair for everyone - maybe even using fairly rare and not EMC-able items only obtainable in the Erebus.
  5. Rubijox

    Rubijox Well-Known Member

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    but is it required for progression? if you want to kill the original dragon you can always go in singleplayer
  6. Fehniix

    Fehniix Well-Known Member

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    The dragon... ? Of course.
    The point is not killing the original dragon. The point is that Draconic Evolution provides a way for it to respawn how many times you want, and integrating a similar mechanic just for the purpose of Erebus bosses isn't practical nor efficient.
  7. Rubijox

    Rubijox Well-Known Member

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    I meant the custom recipe for the egg of the dragon , not the dragon itself.
    Also the end resets weekly.
  8. Ahbahl

    Ahbahl Patron Tier 2

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    The End resets weekly. Each week you can kill 1 ender dragon. Ozone 2 had on average 40 players online. So for everyone to kill 1 enderdragon would take 40 weeks+. In these 40 weeks its very likely that new players join. And then there are those that kill the enderdragon more than once.

    The End reseting weekly is not a magical solution.
  9. Rubijox

    Rubijox Well-Known Member

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  10. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Look guys, look at draconic evolution for the dragon
  11. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    I think the ender dragon was being used as an example of a boss that *CAN* be respawned, as part of a request to be able to respawn the Erebus bosses which *CANNOT* be respawned.
    Fehniix likes this.
  12. Phantasm23

    Phantasm23 Well-Known Member

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    Well... it turns out that I have a business proposition for you. This is offered in addition to anything the staff may put in place, and not intended as a replacement for the proposals on this thread.

    In exchange for 2 million EMC (eg, 4 sextuple compressed cobble or 2 stacks of gold blocks, etc), I will permit you to fight and kill an Antlion Boss that I provide. I can also make the same offer for the end boss of the Slider Dungeon (Aether II).

    No responsibility will be taken for your death at anytime during or after this transaction, nor do I offer retrieval services to reclaim your grave in the unfortunate event that you should perish. These are mobs that are designed to test and kill you... be prepared.

    Catch me online and /msg me a few times to get my attention ;) as I get kind of focused on what I'm doing.

    P.S. Don't ask for, or expect, freebies... it's not going to happen.
    Fehniix likes this.

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