Done Everything I built and bought is gone.

Discussion in 'Direwolf20' started by Meenah_Magic, Sep 4, 2016.

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  1. Meenah_Magic

    Meenah_Magic Well-Known Member

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    2:03 AM
    Looks like a world edit due to the remaining trees. All my work is just erased. My rank, my purchases. Haven't checked node 2 yet. Unable to locate the way to file a new ticket. Have one old one.
  2. YourMCGeek

    YourMCGeek Well-Known Member

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    Do /ticket ingame.
  3. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    We will need the coordinates of your base.
  4. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    It looks like you were off the server for 17+ days. Our claim deleter deletes claims at 14 days if you haven't logged in.
  5. Shivy011

    Shivy011 Member

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    As I have my base deleted also (I was off for around a month), is there any chance of getting the base back?
  6. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    Once it's deleted it is gone. There is no way to un do it.
  7. Meenah_Magic

    Meenah_Magic Well-Known Member

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    This is a joke, right? 14 days and your base is wiped off the map. I have NEVER heard of such craziness.[DOUBLEPOST=1474819051][/DOUBLEPOST]what about shop purchases and ranks???? If you would just refund my money I will gladly find a more reasonable server to play on.[DOUBLEPOST=1474819145][/DOUBLEPOST]
    -3928 -2148
  8. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    There is no reason to flip out completely. There is a warn in the chat about it. If you are going on a vacation for example you can use /absence to extend the claim reset time to 4 weeks.
    We know that this a hard loss, but we will decide on what we can do for you.
    But this is a rule of our network, and applies to everyone.
    Sorry again for your loss.

    HelloKittyPhone likes this.
  9. Meenah_Magic

    Meenah_Magic Well-Known Member

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    Excuse me Endorian?
    I am an older adult not a child so please do not begin your conversation to me with a parental statement like "There is no reason to flip out." Which actually is just your interpretation of someone expressing shock at a server that would act in this manner. It was a subjective interpretation on your part and judgemental. I do not interpret the expression of disbelief in a server that will wipe your base away in 14 days as "flipping out". I also believe that since you are responding in a customer service fashion you should provide customer service in a respectful manner. Customers have the right to express dissatisfaction with a product or service of a product without being scolded about doing so.
    I am new to your server but I am not new to minecraft servers. I was an OP Admin before coming here and thought I found a quiet place to play in my spare time. I am currently a graduate student with limited free time. Minecraft is just a way for my to de-frag my brain. While your server deemed me as a"well-know member" I am new to your server and was not aware that this would happen and therefore did not know there was a warn button or even what the warn butt0n would do. I am not hopeful for any equitable resolution concerning any decision the staff could offer. My concern at this point is not how much work I lost but how much money I invested in your server thinking it would be a place I could remain for the next couple of years, which turns out not to be the case. Please do not interpret my post is any other way than disappointment in discovering a belief in a long term relationship is not going to be possible and dissatisfaction in the way you run your server.
  10. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    As we have a growing community our founders decided to implement this reset-feature to prevent the need of resetting the server every 2 months completely due to every area being claimed and houses of inactive users being everywhere. We gladly take your critics about the system into consideration, but please understand why we have implemented this feature.

    SanndyTheManndy likes this.
  11. Well, it's not as if only your base got wiped off, donor perms don't cover stuff like that. Remember to use /absence command next time. Btw how the money you invested is lost? It's not as if the special commands, abilities and periodic rewards are gone(bit confused, how long were you off?). Direwolf20 ain't that hard a modpack, you could easily create your base again, maybe even grander than it was before!
  12. Meenah_Magic

    Meenah_Magic Well-Known Member

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    Not going to be baited into an arguement by a non-staff member, Sandy.

    I hear the founders concerns about the need for resets secondary to inactive bases. Nothing more lag producing than abandoned bases with machines running. My opinion is that 14 days is too short of a time period to base inactivity. I am used to 30 days before the computer deems you inactive afterwhich your claim is "unowned" allowing remaining players to salvage what they want and then I usually world edit as I find them or in your case set the server to world edit perhaps in 60 days. I am not sure why this server has the need to reset every two months. I am used to a world needing reset in 8-12 months if there is 15-35 players per day. What I think I am saying is that the 15 day period seems arbitrary and extremely conservative.
  13. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    Might be, but it is rules we are used to.
    By agreeing the rules before playing you agreed as well to the rule of claimresets.
  14. Meenah_Magic

    Meenah_Magic Well-Known Member

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    Waiting on "we will decide on what we can do for you."
  15. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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  16. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    To be fair willi no one EVER reads the rules...

    Read it once when i first joined... now i just run rules rules 2 acceptrules
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2016
  17. YourMCGeek

    YourMCGeek Well-Known Member

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    First of all, you need to calm down. I do not care if you are a "older adult" or a child, you accepted the rules when you joined the server, and just like SirWill posted here:
    It clearly states that you will get your claims reset if you are absent for longer than 2 weeks. Second of all,
    what about shop purchases and ranks????  If you would just refund my money I will gladly find a more reasonable server to play on.
    Your shop purchases and ranks are permanent so you don't have to worry about them resetting or being removed from your account. Though, we will not refund any money that is sent to us via donations for ranks. This can be seen here: [​IMG]
    Also, by donating to the server, you accepted to these conditions located on MineYourMind | Welcome: [​IMG]
    Finally, as this is marked "Done" you should stop replying to this thread as your issue has been completed by Lucid here:
    For any further questions about your rank and possible refunds, please create a ticket in game and talk to the staff there.

    Also, note that you do not need to be argumentative and rude to fellow players and staff members like you were to @SanndyTheManndy and @EndorianHD. They are both well-known players and staff members with good intentions and are just trying to help. Next time, please read the rules more carefully along with the conditions of your purchases.

    SanndyTheManndy and F4lconwings like this.
  18. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    whats the first rule ;) ignorance is no excuse
  19. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    Didnt say it was just pointing out most people dont read it
  20. Meenah_Magic

    Meenah_Magic Well-Known Member

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    YourMcGeek-"First of all, you need to calm down. I do not care if you are a "older adult" -I am calm. I am using my words to tell you that I do agree with what your server is doing. This is a violation of the rules to host a minecraft site


    Posted on Jun 12, 2014 by Owen



    Let’s get one thing clear: we love it when Minecrafters host servers. Tiny or massive, running vanilla or modded Minecraft, we think they’re all great. Playing with friends in persistent worlds is awesome. Everyone knows that.

    Over the past week there’s been lots of discussion about Minecraft servers and your right to monetise them. Legally, you are not allowed to make money from our products. There has been one exception to this rule so far - Minecraft videos. We’re about to make a second exception - Minecraft servers

    Hosting servers can be expensive. We want to give hosts a way to cover their costs. That said, we don’t want our players to be exploited or to have a frustrating time unless they pay. The following rules, which may be tweaked at a later date, have been created with these points in mind.

    You are allowed to charge players to access your server

    Basically, if you’re charging for access to your server, you are selling a “ticket” and there can only be one type of ticket, regardless of how much people are willing to spend.

    You are allowed to accept donations

    You are allowed to accept donations from players. You can thank them publicly or in-game, but can’t give preferential treatment for donating. You are not allowed to restrict gameplay features in an attempt to make money.

    You are allowed to provide in-game advertising or sponsorship opportunities

    You are allowed to sell in-game items so long as they don’t affect gameplay
    We don’t mind you selling items in game, but they must be purely cosmetic. Pets, hats, and particle effects are OK, but swords, invincibility potions, and man-eating pigs are not. We want all players to be presented with the same gameplay features, whether they decide to pay or not.

    There is one exception to this rule - capes! We have a lot of fun making cool capes for extra-special members of our community and Minecon attendees. We’d like to keep them as exclusive as possible. So, yeah, no capes please, even if you’re giving them away for free.

    You cannot charge real-world cash for in-game currency
    We don’t mind in-game currencies which are earned through playing, but you are not allowed to sell them for real-world cash. Remember - if the stuff you sell affects gameplay, we’re not cool with it.

    Don’t pretend to be us. Provide your customers with loads of info
    If you do decide to monetise your server, you must clearly state that the purchase is not associated with Mojang, declare who the money is going to, and provide a purchase history and contact details. You should also check the legality of selling digital items in your specific region.

    Thanks for reading!
    As I hope you’ve noticed, these rules are making attempts to prevent Minecraft servers becoming “pay-to-win.” We hate the idea of server hosts restricting Minecraft’s features to players who have already bought our game! It seems really mean.

    We’re hoping that these rules will give hosts opportunity to continue creating awesome Minecraft worlds, and for our players to enjoy them without being forced to spend.

    I’m sure we’ll get loads of questions about this subject over the next few days. I’ll prepare a follow-up post once I’ve gathered your queries.

    Have a good day!

    Owen - @bopogamel, and your buddies at Mojang.

    Retrieved from Mojang site: Let's talk server monetisation!
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