The first Mineyourmind Mafia game - game thread

Discussion in 'Offtopic' started by Sandstroem, Sep 26, 2016.

  1. HelloKittyPhone

    HelloKittyPhone Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    10:28 PM
    I Vote SirZAZ
    The_Icy_One (1): YourMCGeek
    YourMCGeek (2): Lamar43, SirStudMuffin
    HeroIsBoss354 (1): SanndyTheMandy
    SirZAZ (5): profrags, The_Icy_One, EndorianHD, tyler489, HeroIsBoss354
  2. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    2:28 AM
    Welp I guess I'll go back to my original vote: SirZAZ looks like geek gets to stay after all

    The_Icy_one(1): YourMCGeek
    YourMCGeek(2): Lamar43, SirStudMuffin
    HeroIsBoss354 (1): SanndyTheMandy
    SirZAZ(6): profrags, The_Icy_one, EndorianHD, tyler489, HeroIsBoss359, coolgi3000.

    Votes to lynch: 7

    Wow that took forever to type on my phone keyboard :p
  3. CrimsonSZ

    CrimsonSZ Bored of being bored because being bored is boring

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    2:28 PM
    Hey now, I thought sans punishes the sinned, not be one of the sinned?
    SirStudMuffin likes this.
  4. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    6:28 AM
    I VOTE
  5. YourMCGeek

    YourMCGeek Well-Known Member

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    2:28 AM
    I vote SirZaz
  6. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    2:28 AM
    Welp sorry ZAZ looks like you are out :(
    @Sandstroem day is over time to move on ja?
  7. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    7:28 AM

    YourMCGeek(1): Lamar43
    HeroIsBoss354 (1): SanndyTheMandy
    SirZAZ(8): profrags, The_Icy_one, EndorianHD, tyler489, HeroIsBoss359, coolgi3000, SirStudMuffin, YourMcGeek

    "Let's lynch SirZAZ" everyone shouts. Before SirZAZ can defend himself, the angry lynchmob has already filled out his perma banreport and posted it in the ban report section of the forum.
    "But I am Werwolfi_de, your friendly neighbourhood admin. I am also the healer of the good community."
    Everyone realizes, that they have lynched the wrong guy, but since the system still seems to malfunction, there is no way to unban him again.
    Fearfully everyone expects that bad things will happen during the next night.

    Players, that are out of the game (1):
    - @SirZAZ , Werwolfi_de, Community, Healer

    Players still in the game (11)

    It is night 2 now. Deadline for the night is Sunday, 2nd October, 8 p.m. german local time or if I have all the night actions back that I need. I prefer not to sit out the whole deadline, so send your stuff as soon as possible.

    Posting in this thread until the next day is not allowed. A violation of that rule will result in a modkill of that player without any further warning.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1475149674][/DOUBLEPOST]Also starting from now there will be a new rule:

    Players that are inactive in one day phase, will get a warning at the end of the day. If they are still inactive in the consecutive day phase, they will also be modkilled. Right now everyone has 0 warnings, since rules do not work backwards. I will add this rule to the rule section in the first post.

    If you have questions about whatever, please use your personal "your mafia role" conversations.
  8. profrags

    profrags Well-Known Member

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    11:28 PM
    Now I'm confused. Do Mafia not have night kills or something? Are they literally supposed to pick us off 1 by 1 in the game thread without abilities?
  9. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    7:28 AM
    Suddenly a large spaceship appears out of nowhere. It lands and a green man comes out.

    "Give me one person for our human experiments or we will destroy the whole MineYourMind community."
    "Ok, you can have profrags, he always talks during night time when he is not allowed. But he is just DarthVader anyway, the assassin, part of the community"

    Players, that are out of the game (2):
    - @SirZAZ , Werwolfi_de, Community, Healer, lynched on day 1
    - @profrags, DarthVader, Community, Assassin, modkilled in night 2 for talking in the game thread

    Players still in the game (10)

    Just to make it clear. Profrags has been modkilled for posting into the game thread at night. I am sorry that it has come to this, but I am getting tired of people not being able to read the rules and sticking to them.

    The night still goes on. Posting in the game thread is still not allowed.

    And to answer profrags question: The mafia has a nightkill and that is one of the actions that I expect to get during the night.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1475176451,1475156828][/DOUBLEPOST]And again the MineYourMind community has survived one night in these dark times.

    The whole community?

    No, that is not the case. You hear a rumour that The_Icy_One now has to play Minecraft Singleplayer, since he got permanently banned from the MyM network. Then again, this makes MyM lagfree for now, because it turns out that he was Chugga_Fan, a member of the community and a name faker.

    But apparently someone seems to help you. You find a grave stone with the words "Here lies timleg002, mafia member, better known as SirStudMuffin, secretly a name faker."

    Two name fakers? Strange things are going on in this world.

    You decide that it is time to find another candidate to lynch today.

    Players, that are out of the game (4):

    • @SirZAZ , Werwolfi_de, Community, Healer, lynched on day 1
    • @profrags , DarthVader, Community, Assassin, modkilled in night 2 for talking in the game thread
    • @The_Icy_One , Chugga_Fan, Community, name faker, killed in night 2
    • @timleg002 , SirStudMuffin, mafia, name faker, killed in night 2

    Players still in the game (8)

    It is day 2 now. You need 5 votes to lynch someone. Deadline for this day is Monday, 3rd October, 8 p.m. german local time or if you reach 5 votes.

    Obviously players that are out of the game are not allowed to post here anymore. Please also note that I added the activity-rule as mentioned earlier today.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2016
  10. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    1:28 AM
    Interesting 2 name fakers... not sure what that means exactly...
  11. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    7:28 AM
    finally someone posted, i already started to write a new scene where I modkill myself. Death by boredom. :D

    Guys, this game doesnt play itself. Get active and start discussing. It is just a game, if you lose you lose.
  12. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    1:28 AM
    You already edited a post.... doublepost...

  13. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    7:28 AM
    i edit here all the time. because i can.
  14. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    7:28 AM
    I feel like we are rather not just randomly choosing people.. I mean, we just killed our healer :(
  15. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    1:28 AM
    I think yourmcgeek is magia simply because he voted to lynch icy and icey died the nxt night...
    Coincidence maybe but i dont think so...
    I Vote Yourmcgeek
    he didn't change his vote
  16. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    7:28 AM
    I feel like you know something about geek which we dont...
    @Sandstroem is mafia able to see what role players have?
    I do however now vote tyler489 .
    He is really suspicious
  17. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    1:28 AM
    He was the first to vote for ice and then icy died... he could be mafia
  18. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    7:28 AM
    Mafia knows each other. That is all. I am not going to tell you whether I put some kind of scanning ability into the game or not.
  19. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    7:28 AM
    Actually I was the first one to vote for him as he was voting for me.
    The_Icy_One likes this.
  20. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    1:28 AM
    Well then

    I stand corrected and thus change my vote to nobody for now...

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