Draconic Evolution Upgrades

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by fizzydog64, Oct 1, 2016.

  1. fizzydog64

    fizzydog64 Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    9:12 PM
    At this point, I've gone full shield capacity for armor. I'm realizing that may not be the smartest idea, so I ask of ye: What upgrades set up are the most optimal for draconic armor? And, while we're at it, what for the staff of power? And any of the other ones people never actually use?
  2. for armor- half shield capacity and half regen. for staff of power-half AOE and half attack damage (or full attack dmg if you are gonna go one-on-one with the chaos guardian).
  3. IsHayden

    IsHayden Well-Known Member

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    2:12 PM
    i usually split 3/4 shield and 1/4 regen
  4. aBaguette_

    aBaguette_ Roast Chicken Flavo(u)r: Certified Vegan

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    7:12 AM
    I normally forget that there's upgrades and die 100 000 000 times to the guardian before beating it.
    But I do have two wyvern capacitors that get put into an ender pouch which gets linked to an enderchest the with a chargeable item filter into an energy infused (from DE) and back again. ;D
  5. aD0UBLEj

    aD0UBLEj Well-Known Member

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    9:12 PM
    You can also upgrade the draconic flux capacitors to hold 2.1 billion each, pretty useful for taking on the chaos dragons

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