Never having made a creative tank before, you can understand my excitement having made one on Ozone. So I went and plopped it down next to my smeltery to try and stick molten bedrockium in it so I could start making EMC. I took out my wrench to try and move it and was very sad when I saw that I couldn't. I've tried every method that I and the other people on Ozone know of to try and move it to no avail. Why can't we move our tanks? I don't think it would be game-breaking if we were allowed to wrench our tanks to move them. We can move bedrock in this pack. I don't think I should have to resort to opening chance cubes next to it in hopes of getting something that will overwrite it and lose the tank.
It is the coding of the mod. We are looking for a way to fix this. For now just open a ticket at the tank youd like picked up and a jr admin+ can take care of it