Unbreakable Hoe / Mattock (for farming station)

Discussion in 'Tutorials, Tips and Tricks' started by Fracknoid, Oct 2, 2016.


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  1. Fracknoid

    Fracknoid Well-Known Member

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    I've been asked this multiple times, since I started playing Sky Factory 2.5:

    How do you make an unbreakable hoe to place in a Farming Station?
    Answer: Using Tinker's Construct, make an unbreakable Mattock (which works as a hoe).

    Now, you might be asking "How do I do that without using nether stars and whatnot to increase the number of modifiers?" Well, I'll tell you.

    Smeltery Controller
    Seared Faucet
    Casting Table

    Part Builder (Tinker's Construct)
    Tool Forge (Tinker's Construct)
    Stencil Table (Tinker's Construct) - Only if you don't already have the patterns listed below.

    - Tool Rod Pattern
    - Axe Head Pattern
    - Shovel Head Pattern
    - Large Plate Cast

    - Magical Wood (3)
    - Magical Wooden Axe Head (1)
    - Magical Wooden Shovel Head (1)
    - Magical Wooden Tool Rod (1)
    - Obsidian (29)
    - Obsidian Tool Rod (1)
    - Obsidian Large Plate (7)

    Using a Part Builder, utilize the patterns (Tool Rod, Axe Head and Shovel Head) and Magical Wood to make Magical Wooden Axe Head, Shovel Head and Tool Rod.
    3 parts to make a mattock - also, a Magical Wooden Shard.

    Create a mattock entirely of magical wood (Magical Wooden Axe Head + Magical Wooden Shovel Head + Magical Wooden Tool Rod), using your Tool Forge.
    Upon creation of the Magical Wooden Mattock, you'll see that the Modifiers Remaining shows 9 - that means you've done this step correctly.

    Using the Part Builder, create an Obsidian Tool Rod (Tool Rod Pattern + 1 Obsidian).
    Now we have an Obsidian Shard. Huh.

    Within the Tool Forge, combine Obsidian Tool Rod with the Magical Wooden Mattock, and you'll find your Magical Wooden Mattock now has Reinforced III, and still has 9 Remaining Modifiers available.
    Now the main portion of the tool is made, we need to now increase the level of Reinforced.

    Within the Smeltery Controller, place 28 Obsidian. Once melted down, right click your Seared Faucet so that the molten Obsidian goes onto your Casting Table (with Large Plate Cast on table) - this will give you Obsidian Large Plates, which we need 7 of.
    We're nearly done, so hang in there!

    Within the Tool Forge, combine Magical Wooden Mattock with 7 Obsidian Large Plates - each time you add one, you'll noticed the Reinforced level goes up by 1.
    Once you reach Reinforced X, that's unbreakable!

    With the remaining 2 available modifiers, you can continue to fine tune your mattock - personally, I recommend increasing the luck, as that increases your harvest.
    Materials: 450 Lapis Lazuli (or 50 Lapis Lazuli Blocks)
    Within the Tool Forge, combine the Lapis Lazuli with the Magical Wooden Mattock (unbreakable).
    - Fluid Transposer

    - Liquid XP (8,000 mB)
    - 8000RF
    - Bookshelf

    Place Bookshelf in Fluid Transposer, making sure the Fluid Transposer has (at least) 8,000RF and 8,000mB Liquid XP.
    Other option involves 4 Enchanted Books, a Bookshelf and 4 Gold Ingots - which is easier?

    Questions and Answers:

    Q: What are the Shards good for?
    A: A Shard can be used to make an additional Tool Rod, which is great if you're making more mattocks.

    Q: Why not just use a Zivicio Hoe in a Farming Station? It's unbreakable, right?
    A: In the hand, it's unbreakable. In the farming station, it's not - it does, in fact, lose durability in there. From my experience, unless a tool outright says Unbreakable in the description, it's going to break in a farming station. Also, Zivicio Hoe will not go into a farming station on some servers.

    Q: Why not use a Bedrockium Hoe in a Farming Station?
    A: Like the Zivicio Hoe, it also loses durability in a Farming Station. This has been tested.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2016
    EvilScotsman likes this.
  2. You can also make the tool of bedrockium for infinite durability.
    SirStudMuffin likes this.
  3. YourMCGeek

    YourMCGeek Well-Known Member

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    Not all packs have bedrockium
    _gonefishing_ likes this.
  4. But most do
  5. YourMCGeek

    YourMCGeek Well-Known Member

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  6. PhantomRTW

    PhantomRTW Retired Staff

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    Healing axe can also be used.

    As well as the Ichorium Axe
  7. who would be so -snip- as to use an ichorium axe for a tree farm???
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 7, 2016
    SirStudMuffin likes this.
  8. PhantomRTW

    PhantomRTW Retired Staff

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    One, don't be insulting. And two, Ichor isn't hard to get once you're at that point. And I never said it was practical. I said it would work.
    frogman79 likes this.
  9. Seeing how difficult it is to get ichorium on infinity expert mode, it is rather shocking to waste it upon a tree farm, even if just as an example.
  10. YourMCGeek

    YourMCGeek Well-Known Member

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    Who said anything about infinity expert mode haha
  11. Btw I made a bedrockium cleaver and yet it looses durability, how is that possible???[DOUBLEPOST=1475500915][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Been playing expert for sooo long that I nearly died of shock when I learned that we could CRAFT gendustry power module on normal mode, while I was trying to breed the infinity bee for it.
  12. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    meh i once used a max teir draconic energy core for decoration in my base without even using it ;) (and the entire floor was also made of vibrant capacitor banks)
    the point when you get to the endgame sometimes its fun to just make the most expensive version of everything just cus you can.
  13. PhantomRTW

    PhantomRTW Retired Staff

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    Lol please don't do that. Multiblocks that bit cause terrible server lag o:
  14. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    yeah it was way too laggy :D its gone now anyway
    it was cool while it lasted tho
    PhantomRTW likes this.
  15. Floor of nether star blocks, now that's something to boast about!
  16. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    Not with ProjectE in the pack tho ;)
  17. You cannot be rich on a modpack with projectE, so it does not counts.
  18. Fracknoid

    Fracknoid Well-Known Member

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    It might be infinite durability when you're holding it, just like the Zivicio Hoe. However, if it's like the Zivicio Hoe, it will lose durability in a Farming Station because it does not actually say Unbreakable.
  19. What if it is used my something like the autonomous activator?

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