well, yesterday while playing at CRash Landing i was notifyed by a jr.Admin that i was using way to many server resourcess because of sfm (steve factory manager) witch he said i own over 3k (3000) inventory blocks and had some heavy programming. with that said yesterday i managed to remove over 1k inventory blocks and 6 managers ,also modifyed some scripts in order to make it lighter, so i wonder if some staff could help me test it out if it is still consuming lots of resourcess
You could try to make a /ticket in game as it would be easier for staff. Make sure you include that you want to make sure you arnt using to many resources.
If you made a support post already it is not needed to make a ticket 'bout it again, Geek. Support posts are being looked at as well, not just tickets. I'll mark that one as done. I'll check your ticket soon if I dont get ninja'd
Sorry! Thats what someone told me to do a while ago!! Many apologies Endo and Anna, please forgive me
No problem. But when there is already a thread here in the support section there is no additional ticket needed in such cases