Sadly, it appears that my much loved (and well milked) blazing pyrotheum cow has thrown itself off my island. The cow gave me many buckets to fuel my smeltery and will be much missed. To help me with my grief, I have written a short poem which I would like to share with you. It's simply called 'Bye Bye Cow'. Oh blazing pyrotheum cow, Where are you now? I've searched all over my base, For your rectangular face, Your loss is most cruel, Now where will I get my fuel? I thank you.
Good thing to see some poets upon our rows. And no, I dont mean you, Sand. Because only when the rhime flows your messages will be read and, It is the style and lang that makes the people attentively. Or Studs' stupid slang and his crap spoken with stupidity.
I wanted something that encapsulated the very being, the essence of the cow. Something that would sum up the great value and esteem that it was held in. I called it... Blazing Pyrotheum Cow.