Feedback Infinite lava tank on dw20 servers.

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by LiquidAtom, Oct 5, 2016.


Is the infinite lava tank overpowered/cheap ?

  1. Yes. Definitely.

  2. No.

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  1. LiquidAtom

    LiquidAtom Well-Known Member

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    1:24 AM

    I'm here to express my opinion on the infinite lava tank feature. It's amazing and all but it's kinda cheap in various ways.

    First of all, having infinite something - in this case the lava tank is OP. It renders a variety of dw20 pack's mechanics useless. It has pros too, obviously.

    Since the infinite lava is available and cheap to get, the lava tank defeats all other means of power generating methods. This the main problem regarding it. So the mod like Big Reactors is irrelevant. All the engines / dynamos other than those, which require lava are irrelevant.
    Straight from the beggining you invest in 1 magmatic dynamo, which can be upgraded to whopping 640 RF/t and you'll be carried to the late game by it. Then the lava generators x64 replace it.

    Yes, it makes game progression faster. Yes, it reduces the lag that might be coused by various pumps. And yes, it gives infinite lava. It is basically a extremely late-game item. But it's cheap and not really an end game item. Every newbie with at least few hours of play-time can pretty easily craft it. Even faster with the help of market ( which is also OP in my opinion ).
    And with the possesion of the infinite lava tank, you don't have to worry about producing enough power, becouse it suddenly becomes cheap as well, since you don't need no steam, no gas/oil/fuel, no coal, no yellorium and etc....

    What i think it needs is much much more expensive crafting recipee. So people would even consider other means of power gen. What would work is putting items in the recipee that can be accuired only late game. Talking nether stars, UU matter buckets, maybe even thaumcraft's ichor ( since lava magically appears and is infinite ).

    That would be all. Thank you.
    SanndyTheManndy likes this.
  2. _Lordicon

    _Lordicon MyM Real OG

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    I personally love being able to use the Sirwill Tank for early game. But as you progress on DW20 you start to build bigger and better power setups like the big reactors and the solar panels. The reason we have the infinite lava tank is to help prevent players from draining the nether of all of the lava with pumps and causing server lag in the process. So yea I would have to say the Tank is great feature added.
  3. aD0UBLEj

    aD0UBLEj Well-Known Member

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    I think the point is that it it made from the ender thermic pump (unless recipe has changed, not used it in months) because that is the point where players would have access to 'infinite' lava anyway.
  4. LiquidAtom

    LiquidAtom Well-Known Member

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    It is indeed a great thing. But you can't really make anything better than lava generator x64 farm, these has the biggest rf/t per block space used ratio. Also, i'm certainly not saying it should be removed. It just makes the game too easy. And it's hard to resist not using it.

    Also, the topic was not that it's bad. Its just... takes part of the fun away.
  5. PhantomRTW

    PhantomRTW Retired Staff

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    But if you have an enderthermic pump, you already HAVE "infinite" lava. This is the same thing, but with much less lag.
  6. If you are under the impression that the sirwilli tank is cheap, then kindly see the recipe for it on infinity expert mode. I'd sooner use the lava fab.
  7. PhantomRTW

    PhantomRTW Retired Staff

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    To be fair, he specified DW20..
  8. You WILL run out of lava one day if you use ender thermic pump[DOUBLEPOST=1475715379][/DOUBLEPOST]
    He asked for a more expensive recipe.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2016
  9. PhantomRTW

    PhantomRTW Retired Staff

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    No, you simply move your pump to another lake, lol. then the reset happens and the cycle repeats.
  10. LiquidAtom

    LiquidAtom Well-Known Member

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    If you guys starting to compare ender-thermic pump to the sirwill tank, here's a fact: 1 pump can't supply 100 magmatic dynamos with lava. 1 infinite lava tank can supply many more. Also, pump needs power to operate, not much, but it does. Inf. tank doesn't.
  11. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    Infinity tank can run out of lava I've seen it happen

    Also endo pumps are perplayer where the lava in the will tank is the same lava for each
  12. Infinite lava tanks run out only when they get broken.[DOUBLEPOST=1475940436][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, there are more than a dozen sirwilli tanks hidden under spawn getting pumped of lava by a creative tank each, so it is hard for them to run dry
  13. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    Unless someone pumps out more than it imputs.. it's happened before
  14. LiquidAtom

    LiquidAtom Well-Known Member

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    Well, im powering a huge lava gen x64 + magmatic dynamo farm, never had issues with it draining out.
  15. FolPenguin

    FolPenguin Quack

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    6:24 AM
    I'm lazy to make lava gen or dynamo stuff, so I made myself a big reactor instead!
    Uhh...wait....wut... :v

    Quack Quack Quack... ( ')>
  16. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    If we catch massive farms of lava gens, we disable them. The point isn't infinite lava but to level the playing field as there is a limit if pumps per server. The pump is thus banned and the tank replaces it.
  17. People, stop being lazy and get Draconic reactors!
  18. xipxero

    xipxero Well-Known Member

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    Really? I see a farm with 100+ x64 generators on the overworld here...
  19. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    Then report it with /ticket
  20. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I don't see the point here. If you don't like using the cheap free lava generation, then just choose one of the other methods in the pack which are more expensive. I mean people build tree farms with Botania and Forestry and Thaumcraft and whatever because it is fun and because they can.

    Do you want to make the Mfr Harvester more expensive just because some people are too boring or uninspired to come up with some more interesting ways of making a tree farm?

    DW20 is a kitchen sink pack, which basically means "Do what you want and leave out the rest". There is no forced progression or something. So if you don't like the tank, don't use it.

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