Done Passive Mobs

Discussion in 'Sky Factory 2' started by Arvie, Oct 6, 2016.

  1. Arvie

    Arvie Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    4:03 AM
    Is there a passive mob cap.? And how can i get compressed cow?

    All of my animals just vanished.(2 Mooshroom, 3 Sheep, 2 chickens and 2 pig)
    Is this a bug or a known thing?
  2. stijn04356789

    stijn04356789 Well-Known Member

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    9:03 AM

    I have gone ahead and checked your island and I can see that you are having a mob spawner. This can cause issues if you have passive animals somewhere else on your island. There is a max cap on animals/mobs in a specific radius and when animals start to vanish you can be almost certain that you have reached it.

    We mostly advice you to nametag them as you already did. If they still vanish then you can better move them even further away from your mobspawner and if possible take them in safari nets when you log out or the server restarts.

    Sadly enough we can not change that as the max cap is there. Just try to reduce the amount of mobs and consider if you still need the mobspawner.
  3. Arvie

    Arvie Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    4:03 AM
    Thanks! I'll keep that in mind.

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