Hello All, On Ferret Business seemingly recently the Hardcore Questing Mode was disabled to allow the New Better Questing Quest Book. And I'm sure a few can agree it's not the best GUI for the game as it takes up your whole screen. However, you need the other book otherwise titled in the game as TFB Corporate catalog. When reaching end game progression through the Questbook you have to rank up certain attributes such as Shop loyalty and other loyalty you must rank up to gather different quests. The shop loyalty must be a certain level to have the Draconic quests appear in the book. You also cannot submit large amounts of items because the new book is not positioned correctly with the Quest Delivery System so you cannot submit large quantities of items or certain items. This is unavoidable and there is no other way around it. Plainly said without that book there is no point to Ferret Business, unfortunately, at least until another update releases a patch to fix the questing system. On a side note, Ferret has been up for quite a long while with a shortened world border, I'd highly recommend a server reset to allow players to gain access to generated structures, obelisks and so that other individuals with unclaimed bases do not give progressed items out consistently.
From where did you get that information? The questbook was only broken like it does happen frequently. As no one reported it it never got fixed. Questbook can be opened now.
Well I believe the Questing Book instead of HQM is what most people are using now as it allows you to even transfer quests from hqm to the mod as it uses the same file type[DOUBLEPOST=1476113710][/DOUBLEPOST]Also a reset may attract new players, if they are using a new quest book it may notice them to try something new
The information was given to me from Lordicon, as he states that since the update no longer needed it, and it worked in single player it had to of been disabled.
What was stated is that both HQM and BQ are both on the server, and that I was told that HQM is no longer the main quest book as BQ is a better mod. I also said "I don't know" if HQM was completely disabled and not removed or what was going on with it. I know during this conversation all that was mentioned was one of the items from HQM is required to do a quest in BQ but this item could not be made. I was unaware that the HQM was not working at all. Is HQM now working for you?
HQM should still be working, however, a vast majority of the quests have been moved to the BQ tablet. The only remaining ones in the HQM book if memory serves are the turn in the 1-10k resource repeatable ones. It was also the mod pack's developer that initiated the change to BQ in the .20 update. Here's the link with the updates [1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 350+ Quests][v 0.2.0] | Feed the Beast