Is it possible to have a recipe for this item added into Ozone 2? Are there known bugs with it? It's going to take some 8 thousand clicks to make enough infinity catalysts for just the armor. And that's just the infinity catalysts. Here's a proposed recipe: infinity blocks, neutronium blocks, demon steel of the 11th, infinity stars, 16384k drives, gaia blocks, creative portable tanks
Nm it was the infinity chest and its been fixed.. However mym keeps packs as original as possible so it would be up to the modpack creator @Cazador_Sniper to do this
I guess without any kind of dire-autocrafting we're looking at about 3-5k clicks to get all the ingredients into the crafting table for the final quest. I get that we're talking Titan mode and end-end game, but that's just not fun. The point of the pack is automation on a semi-large scale, the autocrafting table doesn't break with that intention.
There's most likely a way to do autocrafting without the auto-diretable using computercraft, so try to figure that out?
I've not really checked all the recipes on titan for exact differences, but are the catalysts approximately the same stuff as on normal? I've reached the get 64 infinity ingots final quest on normal and I just don't get how you can get there with the singularities so fast without literally thousands of massive farms
We've had it done for a while...and the only reason it took so long was I was out of town for 2.5 days and busy work week at work. Done in under 60 hours as confirmed by PlayTime - MineYourMind