Done BC Quarry & Tesseract not working (items popping)

Discussion in 'Direwolf20' started by ministock20, Oct 14, 2016.

  1. ministock20

    ministock20 Well-Known Member

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    11:25 PM
    Hey guys,
    Can you guys see anything wrong with this setup? I had a very similar setup for the last quarry and it worked great. However, I've tried various setups similar to this (quarry piped to tesseract, tesseract on quarry etc) but I can't get it to work without popping items out. Any ideas?
    I've seen that items will pop out if they have no place to go. At my base, I have a gold pipe, diamond pipe (filtering cobble and dirt) going to my chests.

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  2. stijn04356789

    stijn04356789 Well-Known Member

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    The only reason that I can think of with this set up is because of the fact that your base is not loaded at the moment when you are going to your quarry. Please verify if you have chunk loader tickets and if your chunk loader has the correct range. If so then place it again and configure it again.

    Beside that I really recommend you to go for an ender quarry instead of a bc quarry. They are far better, faster, more efficient and if the inventory at the other side ever gets overloaded then it will stop mining and with that spilling items and save energy. (This also works in regarding to going offline with an iron chunk loader, the quarry just stops and doesn't do anything.)

    The main concern here is probably because you ran out of chunk loader tickets.
  3. ministock20

    ministock20 Well-Known Member

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    That is probably it. I just bought about 100000. Are they good to go, then? Or how do they work? Sorry, I haven't seen any documentation on them.

    I know, I should probably just craft one. I'll mess around in SP later and see. In the mean time I'd still like my BC Quarry to work for a bit anyway.
  4. stijn04356789

    stijn04356789 Well-Known Member

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    Chunk loader tickets don't just work if you buy them from the /shop. You have to place an iron or golden block and configure that block to work. Depending on the demand of the chunks you will run quicker or slower out of these tickets.

    You can get all the information from that in game by writing /cm introduction however if you have any further questions then I can always explain them more.

    Keep us posted
  5. ministock20

    ministock20 Well-Known Member

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    11:25 PM
    Awesome, that was it!
    Do I need to keep a CL only at my base, or both? I have both setup right now however I don't want to waste money. I understand that the quarry keeps chunks loaded however I don't know if that's related to the CL.
  6. stijn04356789

    stijn04356789 Well-Known Member

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    The BC quarry keeps the chunks loaded, so does the ender quarry. So you only have to load the chunks at your base if you place your BC quarry correctly, this means that you do not have any functional items in different chunks then the quarry itself (check with f9) If you do it correctly then your base should be sufficient with both iron and gold due to the general BC quarry issue that I explained before. And you might want to consider to buy more then 10k tickets ;)

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