Done [Titan] Auto-Spawner doesnt spawn animated blocks

Discussion in 'Project Ozone 2' started by Ahbahl, Oct 21, 2016.

  1. Ahbahl

    Ahbahl Patron Tier 2

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    4:21 AM
    So, I made a staff of animation from erebus which animates blocks and makes them into mobs. You can capture them just fine in a safari net but for some reason the auto-spawner doesnt spawn them. I looked at the config and didnt see them blacklisted so I tried it in singleplayer and there it spawns them. I believe this is a bug as the staff of animation has a beefed up recipe and is pretty useless if you cant spawn the animated blocks.

    The first 4 screenshots show that it works in singleplayer. The last shows that it doesnt work on the server.

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  2. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    This is to prevent duping. It will not be changed. Sorry for the inconvience
  3. Ahbahl

    Ahbahl Patron Tier 2

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    Because the animated blocks drop the blocks they were animated from when they are killed? Because thats intended. Thats why the recipe for the staff is so hard. Or is it a policy thing? "Duping is duping no matter if it is intended or not"?
  4. KingT

    KingT Well-Known Member

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    Uhh, i was already wondering if this is going to work here, i totally understand to disable the feature of this in normal Mode, but in Titan? Meeehh.. It is already a harsh way to get the Wand.. and if people are going for Infinity Armour (And other stuff made from Infinity Ingots) it just takes waaaaaaay to much time to craft that all, maybe let only the Animated Infinty Block work or something.. :O
  5. Ahbahl

    Ahbahl Patron Tier 2

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    That wont work because the staff of animation transforms blocks into 1 of 3 types. erebus.animatedChest, erebus.animatedBambooCrate or erebus.animatedBlock. animatedChest and animatedBambooCrate are disabled by default and now mym disabled animatedBlock too and there is no way to blacklist certain blocks from being animated.

    But Im currently booting up my game and Im gonna try to animate and autospawn every storage container there is to see if the "to prevent duping" claim holds up.[DOUBLEPOST=1477033678,1477028990][/DOUBLEPOST]I've tried a few things now.
    Caches work but are empty when spawned.
    Storage drawers dont even get animated.
    ME Drives drop their contents when animated.
    The chests from Iron Chest dont get animated.

    I dont see the duping you are mentioning. Yes, you can animate and spawn some machines. But with the recipe being what it is you should already be able to make more machines than you'll ever need.
    You cant animate the neutronium collector and you cant animate the neutronium compressor.

    The main purpose of the wand of animation is to make blocks mobs and spawn them to duplicate them. The pack creator (or atleast the one responsible for titan mode) was aware of the abilites of the wand and adjusted its recipe accordingly and thus its intended to be used that way. If he didnt want us to use it that way he would have either removed the recipe or added the blacklist for erebus.animatedBlock himself which he didnt.

    It is comparable with the creative portible tank because the tank allows you to make infinite amounts of liquid for free, while the wand of animation combined with the auto spawner makes infinite amounts of blocks for almost free (requiring power, essence and time).

    I would like to get a better statement why this feature is disabled than "to prevent duping" as I could not find a way to dupe with it outside the intended way.

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    tommypoints likes this.
  6. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    Did u try creative items? On ozone 1 there was someone animating creative ae cells
  7. Ahbahl

    Ahbahl Patron Tier 2

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    You can indeed animate and spawn a creative AE energy cell. I do not think this is an issue however since you still need to craft the first yourself. Having one gives you infinite AE power. Having 100 gives you... infinite AE power. And you are not allowed to trade endgame items which this falls definitely under. Having one or having 1000 doesnt change much and as such shouldnt be a problem.

    I've also tried the other creative items.
    The creative energy cell from thermal expansion cant be animated.
    The creative protable tank cant be animated.
    Creative compressor from pneumaticcraft cant be animated.
    The turbine creative steam generator cant be animated.
    Creative infinite steam from magneticraft cant be animated.
    Creative infinite energy from magneticraft cant be animated.
    WurgerSD likes this.
  8. I don't think the staff is going to reply anymore after lucid's post.
  9. tommypoints

    tommypoints Well-Known Member

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    Hopefully that isn't true. Ahbahl made some good points and it would be great if we could get a little more detail on this to discuss alternatives.

    I am not concerned with whether a user can recreate the duplication exploit that caused it to get banned. The question from a users perspective is whether animating the infinity block is considered an exploit...or is it other things that staff can do that are causing it to be banned as a dupe item.

    I agree with Ahbahl that this method is intended and is similiar to working towards a creative tank, creative mana pool, etc.

    If the policy is to not allow this method of obtaining infinity ingots after to you already created 11 infinity ingots, then if a staff member can confirm this....that would be great....and I'll just stop playing the pack now.

    If the method is ok but there are other exploits in play for the staff of animation (and we don't need to know what they are) then there might be other ways to handle this and still protect the community from the exploit(s). For instance, make the staff of animation a craft only item and then add a custom recipe that takes the staff and a block of infinity ingots and gives you the infinity block mob soul. That is just one idea...perhaps we can get it in a enderio vial....or in a safari net so the spawner mechanic is in play. Maybe some other way to do this at a cost of 11 infinity ingots.
  10. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    Perhaps this thread should be moved or re created under suggestions and feedback in order to make a formal request to re enable it.
  11. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    I don't see the need. We did 64 ingots in around a week. The ban is currently betwork wide to prevent abuse. There are plently of other ways to do infinity ingots.
  12. Ahbahl

    Ahbahl Patron Tier 2

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    You just replied as I made a thred in suggestions. "Plenty of other ways to do infinit ingots" is a stretch tho. They only have 1 crafting recipe and dont have EMC. And I do not see the "abuse" you speak of either.
    elemage likes this.
  13. WurgerSD

    WurgerSD Team Shenanigans

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    8:21 PM
    I am pretty disappointed in this decision to disable it.
  14. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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