
Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by lolo13lolo, Oct 21, 2016.

  1. lolo13lolo

    lolo13lolo New Member

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    Local Time:
    9:01 PM
    I have try to connect to the server with "Sampler" but he say i need to post a thread on the forum to able to connect with "Sampler"

    Page of mod: " [WIP|1.7.10] FastCraft 1.23 (Note: All Posts of new Members need to be approved first, so if you press the submit button but no new post appears here, it is in the folder of posts to be approved first, and Player will receive them a few hours later) - Off-Topic - IC² Forum "

    -in 2nd spoiler
    -sampler and fastcraft was made by same author
    -this mod is optimisation mod
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2016
  2. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    2:01 PM
    Companion mod Sampler
    Sampler is another small mod designed to obtain performance related information from the game at minimal overhead.

    Download 1.60 (MC 1.7.10): Link
    Download 1.62 (MC 1.8.9): Link
    Download 1.63 (MC 1.9): Link
    Download 1.65 (MC 1.9.4): Link
    Download 1.66 (MC 1.10): Link

    It provides the 2 commands /sampler and /csampler. They are mostly equivalent, the latter just runs the task on the client instead of the server. Running them without parameters gives a list of available subcommands. Both are to be followed with a subcommand (e.g. /sampler tps) and parameters as applicable (e.g. /sampler counts 0).

    Sampler can profile the game over a time (between start and stop), at start-up and during ticks with lag spikes (trigger feature). The export subcommand generates a (mostly) VisualVM compatible .nps snapshot for manual analysis. The profiling sampler does is much less overhead compared to other solutions. The typical sequence to acquire a cpu usage profile (nps) is: /sampler start, wait a few minutes, /sampler stop, /sampler export <filename>.

    Sampler also detects when the server thread is stalled for a significant time, i.e. probably stuck in an infinite loop or a dead lock. In this case it'll create a report in the stall-reports directory containing stack traces for all threads.

    Utility subcommands include:
    - tps: Show statistics about the tick time. tps is a frequency, period is 1 / frequency, the period should ideally be always 50 ms. Sampler's measurement includes the full tick time including wait times. The dedicated server gui, Forge and others provide a tps command which lacks the time spent in the often expensive server tick end handlers. The statistical information (average, min and max) in the tps output refers to the past ~1.7 minutes.
    - counts: Show counts of dimensions, chunks, ticking tile entities, non-ticking tile entities etc. Call it with the dimension id (0 = overworld, -1 = nether etc.) for more detailed tile entity counts.
    - memory: Show information about the memory used and available. It also displays the time spent in GC which shouldn't be too much. Heap, non heap and pool direct have to be added together to get an estimate of the total MC memory consumption, excluding some JVM overhead and OpenGL memory.
    - heapdump <filename> [--compress]: Create a heap dump for memory leak analysis in Eclipse MAT or VisualVM. Compress will gzip the output file.
    - gc: Force a jvm garbage collection run, causes a lag spike. This will allow you to see the actual/net heap usage in /sampler memory.
    - find <class> [<dimId>] [--ticking] [--unloaded]: Find entities or tile entities of a specific (super)class, also in unloaded areas.

    Memory (RAM, -Xmx startup option)
    - The default amount of memory Java allocates is insufficient for modded Minecraft. 1200 Megabytes is about the minimum reasonable (-Xmx1200M), 2000-3000 Megabytes should work well.
    - Never allocate too much RAM to Minecraft, there has to be enough remaining for the Operating System, other programs and Minecraft's off-heap data. This off-heap data doesn't count towards the Xmx setting, it's used by program code, texture/geometry buffers etc. More memory also means garbage collection has to do more work.
    - Some mods leak large amounts of memory. If your game happens to slow down over time, sometimes as soon as a few minutes in, you may be suffering from a memory leak. Sometimes this can be observed by watching "Used memory" (F3 screen). The value will frequently hug the upper ceiling (100%) and only decrease marginally each time, possibly accompanied by a lag spike.

    - Use 64-Bit Java and the most recent version.
    - Be careful with custom startup options, many of those aren't helpful.
    - The FastCraft config provides extra tweaking options.

    - Reduce the view distance as needed, helping CPU, GPU and RAM usage.
    - Build performance intense structures (farms, effect heavy or dynamically rendered blocks etc.) further away. Chunks next to the player are the most expensive, they don't have their render cache updates throttled and the game won't try to cull costly geometry. Moving structures completely out of the view distance is even better.
    - Mini map mods have severe issues regarding performance and/or faulty threaded world accesses.
    - Disable V-Sync, doing so may cause tearing artefacts, but it prevents the fps to be limited to a divisor of your monitor's refresh rate (e.g. 60/30/20/15 fps).
    - Try setting "Max Framerate" to unlimited.
    - Reducing particles, turning clouds off, setting smooth lighting to off, disabling mip maps (=level 0) or using the "fast" graphics mode can help.

    - Try using only personal chunk loaders which are inactive while the owner is logged out or none at all.
    - Restart the server often, esp. when the loaded chunk count or memory usage is unusually high (seen e.g. in "/sampler counts" and "/sampler memory --gc")

    Other mods
    - Optifine replaces most of the render engine to potentially boost fps. FastCraft and Optifine complement each other to a large extent, they are not doing the same thing although the end results may be similar. Be aware that Optifine may cause render glitches with some mods.
    - FpsPlus replaces Minecraft's math functions with possibly faster ones, depending on your CPU.
    - Opis is a general performance monitoring tool similar to Sampler, but capable of telling where some of the lag sources are in a world. It's a lot more user friendly, but uses a very different data acquisition method influencing the test environment more. Keep relative ratios in mind, if Opis says 8.000 µs, that's really just 0.016% of the total tick time (50000 µs) including the measurement overhead.
  3. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    3:01 PM
    What's the need for a user to use sampler?
  4. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    2:01 PM
    U can use it to check fps issues if not installed on server according to the dev page
  5. lolo13lolo

    lolo13lolo New Member

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    Local Time:
    9:01 PM
    I made this post for a client use i don't think is compatible with cauldron (forge + bukkit) or Kcauldron (forge + spigot)

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