A player is crashing you uh.... never seen that before Details: Entity Type: OtherPlayers (net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityOtherPlayerMP) Entity ID: 4254 Entity Name: VILIUS3456 Entity's Exact location: -8697.49, 61.32, -896.92 Entity's Block location: World: (-8698,61,-897), Chunk: (at 6,3,15 in -544,-57; contains blocks -8704,0,-912 to -8689,255,-897), Region: (-17,-2; contains chunks -544,-64 to -513,-33, blocks -8704,0,-1024 to -8193,255,-513) Entity's Momentum: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
I crash in my base though.. It's odd.[DOUBLEPOST=1477014948,1476999095][/DOUBLEPOST] It's happening again but no one is even close to me.
This looks like a general bug inside the renderer code. I'm pretty sure that the crash is caused by the thing rendred before the barrel/the player. You could try a hard force update to make sure it's not a broken code file.
Xfel this happens quite often usually when someone puts something other than lava/water/witch water in a barrel... etching acid is really bad for crashes
Not so far, I got rid of all my oak barrels and I don't let people on my island. If I crash again I will for sure let everyone know.[DOUBLEPOST=1477151158][/DOUBLEPOST]I hard force updated my launcher and I got rid of all my barrels.