i was talking to Aidoneus about the primordial pearl issue. the issue being you cant get them because there aren't any portals in the over world and the farm world ones are broken. He suggested that i post here making the suggestion that you add a recipe to make the "eldrich obelisk placer" and failing that add it or the pearl to the market as a server listing. if this could please be addressed. that would be great. Thank you for your time
if there are any in the farmworld you can go into it and use a jetpack or blood magic flight sigil and go to a dungeon, you can glitch into the dungeon and find the tablet and explore the dungeon then glitch out and find another and raid them that way just fine
after several hours of searcing in the farm world (because its the 28th) it does work but i think there should be a notcie making this more known
I'm surprised people don't immediately think of it, then again I shouldn't be, but yhea, it should be more well known this is possible, I don't like having to deal with these threads every month
i thought it just dropped you in the void as my draw distance is at the minimum so i didnt see the dungeon
Hmm would have though that that trick would be more well known since chugga mentions it every other time the subject comes up