How do I unprotect mobs on my island, so that other players can kill them? I have a tower full of different mob spawners, set to activate with Advanced Player Detectors. However, the players have to pace themselves on how fast they attack mobs, or else they get kicked (protected area). Personally, I think they just need better weapons, but they whine so much... I've got quite a few people on my ignore list, already. I know there's a command on other servers, but I can't find one with /help. Fairly sure there's a significant number of commands not listed there.
permission mode i think is what he meant. I had bad experiences with this. I TPed to a friend and died to his wither cause I couldn't attack it
Well, nowadays you can't summon the wither in the overworld. That's a plus. Had a friend who got kicked due to attacking the mobs too fast - I told him to quit button mashing and go improve his gear.
you may try instead moving the mobs out of you protected area ( with a watter channel or something alike), so players wont face the mob security issue.
why not just have spikes kill the mobs instead? diamond spikes have a chance of dropping rare loot like killing the mob normally would, and you can enchant them with fortune(also drops exp orbs)
well, you could make another setup with draconic portals. let the mobs fall to a draconic portal so they get teleported to a place where players can kill them. for example some room in the last millenium or another dimension where you don't have to care about permissions. if you do thaum you could also ward the blocks of the room in the other dimension, so players cant destroy the area but kill the mobs also blood magic teleposer is able to move the stabilized spawners, without loosing their soul.
if you're at the point where you need mob souls you should be able to easiely make a spawner yourself