Done Chunkloading Issue

Discussion in 'BevosTechPack' started by cstalker, Nov 5, 2016.

  1. cstalker

    cstalker Well-Known Member

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    12:27 PM
    I am pretty sure this is a bug and not a feature as it does not happen all the time. but more often it does than it does not. It als0 happens with both the online and offline loaders.

    On server resets, the chunks that the chunk loader are loading bugs out. By this i mean my cursed earth spawn room with spawners will not spawn mobs. I have both MRF aut0-spawners and EnderIO powered spawners int he room. This chunk is the 3th chunk away from the chunk loader, the the loader is set to 5x5. I can hear the mobs, and sometimes i see the effect of them hitting the ground and crying out in pain as they die but there are no mobs to be seen, nor is there any loot. To fix this, i have to remove the chunk loader, log out, wait 2 minutes and log back in. Every thing is then fine until the next reset. Sometimes I get lucky and it works fine, but mostly it is break and replace.

    Also i have noticed that we only load 16 BLOCKs, ayer. This forces us to have to run chunk loaders. Was this done on purpose? It is very limited on how we set stuff up forcing players to run these chunk loaders.
    Thanks for providing us with a place to enjoy Minecraft with others and for all your work.
  2. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    12:27 PM
    You only load the chunk you are in. Thats intended
  3. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    10:27 AM
    Just to point it out, but a 5x5 grid will go only 2 Chunks out in each direction from the central chunk (the one with the Loader in it).

    X X X X X
    X X X X X
    X X O X X
    X X X X X
    X X X X X

    That is a 5x5 with the O being where the ChunkLoader is located.
  4. YourMCGeek

    YourMCGeek Well-Known Member

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    1:27 PM
    If you shift right click, you can change the space that you want it to load.
  5. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Yes it is intended that you only load the chunk that you are in, and yes you need to use chunkloaders. The bright side is voting will give you in most cases more chunk loading tickets then you need. It was setup this way to actually balance performance on some of the heavy servers.
    cstalker likes this.
  6. cstalker

    cstalker Well-Known Member

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    12:27 PM
    While i understand all this and thanks for the reply's but the issue is this. I am standing in the chunk with the mob spawers and cursed earth and they do not spawn. I only get the sounds they make of hitting the ground and dying. This will stay this way until i destroy the chunk loader and leave the area or log off for a few minutes. Also my spawner is in the 2nd chunk out from the chunk loader. Our claim is only 5x5. This happen once today so far and i am told by other players this is a know issue and they have had it happen to them also.

    This is not something that i can't deal with, but hey, that is what this forum is for right?. I have had my questions answered,. and this is more for new players who just are learning the ins and outs of the server to get some answers that may be driving them nuts, and to let staff know of something that may not have been brought to their attention. Because if you don't know there is a problem, you can't attempt to fix it.
    Have a good day.
  7. Kuki2901

    Kuki2901 Kappa as firetruck

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    6:27 PM
    You should be like 25 meters away, or they will spawn really ocasionally.
  8. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    6:27 PM
    Cursed earth ignores the distance to the player and spawns mob if it is dark enough.
    cstalker and wyndman like this.
  9. Kuki2901

    Kuki2901 Kappa as firetruck

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    6:27 PM
    So, it's maybe by server blocked cursed earth spawnings?
  10. cstalker

    cstalker Well-Known Member

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    12:27 PM
    Update. Part of the issue is magnum torches. they are not suppose to interfere with cursed earth or spawners but mine were. I removed them and they started spawning. But since then, i have no replaced them and it still happens. It normally happens when the server resets and i get booted to the hub. I am starting to think it is something with my setup. I will be moving soon so hopeful that will fix my issues.

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