Claim Clearing and Live server events

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by VortexWinds, Nov 6, 2016.


Do you think one or both of these suggestions should be implemented? Please leave a response below!

  1. Suggestion #1, Claim clearing

    4 vote(s)
  2. Suggestion #2, Live Server Events

    0 vote(s)
  3. Both Suggestions

    6 vote(s)
  4. None of the above

    6 vote(s)
  1. VortexWinds

    VortexWinds Well-Known Member

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    5:09 PM
    In this thread I have two suggestions I would like to elaborate on.

    #1: Claim clearing, for those who have reached endgame or just don't like where their base is going I think having a command for all players on the server would be useful if the function of the command was to do the same as the 2 week (or 1 month abandon feature) claim reset does. In essence the claim would activate the automated function in the desired claim area and reset the area. Now for this function I believe a multiple confirmation series should be tied to the command to reduce the amount of accidental reset for new players exploring commands. (Ex: (example command being "/claimreset") /claimreset-> Server Prompt-Are you sure you wish to reset your claim? If so please type /claimresetaccept -> Server Prompt- This process cannot be undone once fulfilled and any requests regarding restoration will be denied are you sure you want to proceed? If so type /claimresetacceptfinal). I think this would be a useful feature and I would believe if implemented would make any non void world friendlier to new and old players.

    #2 Live server events, Specific and Non Specific events. Specific events would be events geared for end game players to access content that they would not be normally allowed. Content that can only be spawned in as rewards for the event(so long as the items aren't banned or cause performance issues) and require an entrance in game "fee" such as 32 diamond blocks or any other permissible fee regarding event difficulty. This means the fee for entering into the event categories the players ability and access to resources to complete the event. Non Specific events are events that are accessible to all players both new and old and offer resources as a reward across the board along with a special prize for the top (10/5/3) winners depending on event size.

    P.S. regarding suggestion #2 all events in this suggestion are intend to be free of cost regarding real money any cost regarding these events in the suggestion are to be in game expenses ONLY.

    Updated Suggestions below:

    After discussing and pondering the Claim clearing suggestion and reading the comments below posted before this edit (10pm eastern standard time 11-7-16). Here is my new suggested format for implementing the command in bullet points below.

    • Multiple prompt commands notifying the player multiple times and warning the player that the process is permanent and cannot be undone.
      • and a number code could be generated to act as a confirmation code for the command.
    • The command itself does not activate immediately and is both claim specific and player claim wide (EX /claimreset and /resetall)
      • the command only initializes at server reset as a sort of cron job and checks for prompted issues that would cause the command to not function correctly and deny the request for later application. This process would take some testing.
    • Server resets could also be advanced on a queue basis regarding the number of these particular requests that are in queue to not overload the server and have a maximum number of requests per reset
    • These commands can only be used once per player per month in totality (EX if you use /claimreset you cannot use /resetall for a month after using the /claimreset command)
      • This idea in design is to compare with the /abandon feature we already have which puts a 1 month time limit on claim before deletion.
    • Exploiting this command to grief, steal, or destroy any other players claim areas or surrounding areas should also result in immediate punishment.
    After discussing and pondering the Live Server Events suggestion and reading the comments below posted before this edit (10pm eastern standard time 11-7-16). Here is my new suggested format for implementing the command in bullet points below.

    Non Specific Live Server Events
    • These events are designed to bring together players on the server and create a community atmosphere.
    • The rewards for these events are designed to enable players of any level (endgame or just starting) to progress whether it is in game mats, or tokens for myms, claimblocks, and/or chunkloader tickets
      • Rewards are designated for all participants of the event to draw in as many players as possible. Winners of the event (depending on the size of the event) are given a portion of a reward pool for winning the event.
    • These events are also supposed to be complete able by any player of any level.
    Specific Live Server Events
    • "Endgame Players" are players are players who have more than reasonable access to resources and armor/items that provide abilities that newer players would not have.
    • These events are geared towards endgame players who have access to more abilities and resources based upon their progress. As such these events should be rated for difficulty.
      • Rating the difficulty of events based upon what the player can do or provide was the intent of the original suggestion of a "fee" so that both the player and staff can adequately provide the fairest scenario possible based upon the difficulty of the event. (EX a timed event to kill 5 gaia guardians the quickest would be extremely difficult or impossible for a new or reasonably far player to complete compared to an endgame player)
    • Rewards for these events are rewards not or not easily obtained by new or reasonably far players and/or rewards that can only be spawned in and ARE NOT banned in any way. (EX Some items are disabled based on modpack such as twilight forest but someitems are allowed or not enabled based on the issues with the modpack. Example items are spawn eggs for hydras and yeti/alpha yetis)
    • Rewards for these events are designed to be an item of luxury and would be attainable by the "endgame player" as if they had access to make the item themselves.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2016
  2. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    5:09 PM
    I can only begin to imagine the nightmare that your first suggestion would cause. In theory it would be great to give you a chance to hit the reset button, in reality it would result in endless support tickets because someone didn't read, or the claim owner reset the claim and I didn't want to etc.
  3. VortexWinds

    VortexWinds Well-Known Member

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    5:09 PM
    Well I do understand where your coming from but if it were put into effect and they accepted the prompt 3 separate times their tickets would be null and void because of prior warning, however in a team scenario a multiple person prompt could be introduced based on claim trusts. Past that a team scenario would cause issues I would agree. (assuming the multiple person prompt is not possible to implement)
  4. DrummerBoyNo

    DrummerBoyNo Well-Known Member

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    4:09 PM
    i think this would be a great idea maybe just some slight changes so people don't do it by accident. Like it takes 3 times for the command to be activated or you have 5 min to type the undo command before it activates
  5. Mouro

    Mouro Well-Known Member

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    9:09 PM
    The first suggestion you can do that on SkyBlock Servers, Agrarian Skies, SkyFactory, Infinity SkyBlock.
    It uses the Islands plugin to reset it and it uses World Guard Regions. But i think its a good idea.
  6. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    10:09 PM
    I don't see a problem with the first suggestion. People can already reset their island on skyblocks, which doesn't even have a request for affirmation last time I checked. (I am not exactly sure here, I thought it was changed, but I am not going to test it due to obvious reasons). Adding that to the claimbased packs is a good idea.
    And I don't think there will be "endless" tickets. Not much more than now with people already making tickets which fall under No-Refund-Policy, Player vs Player issues and general player stupidity :D
  7. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    9:09 PM
    The second idea just doesnt work, what your saying is we stop some endgame for all players unless they participate in events?
    Evnts are hard enough to manage at the moment as im seeing atm with Jake XD
    Blizzix_ likes this.
  8. Blizzix_

    Blizzix_ Well-Known Member

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    5:09 PM
    To add onto what wynd said. Even if the tickets the players create would be "voided" they still wouldn't be satisfied and would probably leave the network.. Most people dont even read /rules so I dont suspect they would read this D: Although I do think its a pretty good idea.
    SirStudMuffin likes this.
  9. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    10:09 PM
    Since when is not reading the rules an excuse for anything?

    I think you are exaggerating a bit here. It is not like now everyone deletes his base on a daily basis. How often do you get tickets that someone "accidentally" reset his island on a skyblock pack? Please stay to facts and do not make up some apocalypse scenario, which only exists in your head.
    profrags and SanndyTheManndy like this.
  10. That explains why muffinman liked his post, chaos lovers :p
    SirStudMuffin likes this.
  11. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    5:09 PM
    I wish it only existed in my head, we average at least one ticket a week where someone "accidentally" reset their island. The number grows exponentially if you include the tickets where claims were deleted due to players not remembering to check their bases once and awhile. Thank you for your concern about my mental health though.
  12. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    10:09 PM
    Well if the island reset still doesn't have the affirmation thing, then it might be a good time to add that. If it is there, I don't see a problem. If you can't handle that ticket once per week, I am sure you find another staff member, that can help you out. And claim resets, yes, happened to me like a couple of times even though I should know better. I don't see a problem with that.

    If you don't want to handle those tickets, then get rid of auto claim deletion, No-Refund policy, non-intervention in player vs player issues and all the other rules, that ask for answers to tickets, that make staff uncomfortable.
    And of course this is not a serious suggestion, since each and every one of those rules are there for a reason.
    tyler489 likes this.
  13. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    4:09 PM
    Probably should have put that last line first...
    “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”

    Albert Einstein
    Thats all im going to say...

    Glad u got ur mental health checked out ;)
    SanndyTheManndy likes this.
  14. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    10:09 PM
    Coming up with crazy scenarios in your head as a response to something new or something that takes you out of your comfort zone has nothing to do with mental health. It is unfortunately a common thing in todays society where people are taught and educated with things that sometimes dont make sense. A small baby has no problems with learning to walk by falling over and over again, even though people are watching. But at some point people get taught that they have to behave in a certain way, so that they don't get judged by others. In many things this makes sense, in many not.

    Those crazy reasons against something cause all sort of problems, whether it is asking your boss for a raise (former colleague: "I can't ask for a raise, what if the company is not doing well?"), chatting up that hot blonde on the street (same colleague: "You can't talk to her, what if her brother died yesterday?" (head -> table)) or just downvoting a good idea in a modded MC community. :D
    SanndyTheManndy and tyler489 like this.
  15. What a nice philosophical debate, you guys are the aristotle of the minecraftian world!
  16. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    9:09 PM
    Can we get back on point please?
  17. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    4:09 PM
    Says the king of offtopic comments....

    I cant say i feel either way about this to be honest
  18. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    9:09 PM
    True, and your king decrees that you stop XD
    Tbh im not in favour of either, they just dont work unfortunately
  19. Blizzix_

    Blizzix_ Well-Known Member

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    5:09 PM
    If you only knew how many tickets we get per day... A large percentage are issues that arnt always necessary such as complaining that you have reset your base by accident or because you didnt log in for a while. We have to be very critical with things like this as it would be changing the entire network....
  20. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    I think he understands as he was previously a moderator here for a while.


    But I feel like this is starting to really get off topic rather than trying to discuss what the OP brought up.


    My two cents on the ideas OP brought up:
    ** As a discretion note I'm speaking all of this from my own personal view on things. **
    I don't think having a command with confirmation for resetting your claim would be such a huge issue. There's a bit of a difference between just running through and doing /rules /rules2 /acceptrules in order to be able to get on and play. I'll say I've done it myself as well. Just blow through those commands when I get on a server for the first time as I don't need to read that stuff since I know already what it says I have no need for reading it. Others may do it because they want to just see how the server is like and want to quickly determine if they're going to stay or not, or whatever other reasons you can think of. Don't believe that comparing reading rules to making a conscious decision of wanting to reset your claim does it justice. As it was said, this is available on skyblocks so it's not a foreign concept. However, don't really think it fits beyond a skyblock setting.

    As for the second idea, I don't really see how it could really be justified as an event (?) Giving them items that are normally not able to obtain, that basically means all of the items that are banned. Very little that isn't obtainable is mainly because it is banned. And giving this option to end-game players only you'd be only catering to certain set of players while leaving many others out. Along with complications of determining who would qualify as an "end-game" player.

    Even with the second part of this idea... you kind of already have this option with the random item you can get with using tokens. Pretty much the same thing.

    Giving items away isn't really an event, it'd be a giveaway. I don't really see any ideas for an actual even where players have to participate in something, or complete a task, win a competition, etc. in order to obtain a reward. Getting items for free sounds fun and all but to me it's quite a boring concept and doesn't really bring anything fun or new to the table.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2016

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