Claim Clearing and Live server events

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by VortexWinds, Nov 6, 2016.


Do you think one or both of these suggestions should be implemented? Please leave a response below!

  1. Suggestion #1, Claim clearing

    4 vote(s)
  2. Suggestion #2, Live Server Events

    0 vote(s)
  3. Both Suggestions

    6 vote(s)
  4. None of the above

    6 vote(s)
  1. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    4:10 PM
    Random item doesnt exist anymore..
  2. VortexWinds

    VortexWinds Well-Known Member

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    Update to the original suggestion has been posted for clarification and hopefully better understanding for possible implementation.
  3. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    We had a short conversation yesterday in Teamspeak about the topic and someone mentioned the fact that a claim reset could be abused in some ways. For example if you have found some rare material, mine it, reset the chunk and mine it again. But as usual, this isn't a reason to abandon the idea, as a lot of people might suggest now, but to think about how this could be prevented. A good start would be to put a timer on the reset, so that you can only reset claims on a weekly basis or so.
    Even better would be a 4 week timer, then it is basically like the farmworld, where you can also come back after 4 weeks and mine the same stuff again.
    SirStudMuffin likes this.
  4. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    9:10 PM
    Doesnt the chunk reset, create a new chunk rather than recreate the old one?
  5. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I am pretty sure it only restores it. Then again, on the old Hypo server, @Werwolfi_de restored my base to nature and suddenly there was ocean where there was land before, but he said that someone messed up the seed or something.
  6. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    1: If they already endgame wont they have those items already, for example The sword of the cosmos is the most expensive item on the network. But many players have found ways to make tons of the catalysts which are used for it, thus meaning rewards for it would be redundent.
    2: Events arent as easily made as you think, they go through testing phases, building phases, having the people online and then it might not go ahead. Technical issues may arise within the event like in the screwed event when the timer system stopped working. Also the publishing of the event is a bit sketchy atm and with players coming and going (including staff and players) how would someone who didn't originally set it up carry it on. Also the after work is a grueling processing like with screwed, the round 3 video has taken 3 days.
  7. VortexWinds

    VortexWinds Well-Known Member

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    Just a short quote of some of the update notes regarding time limits on the command if implemented.

    As far as regening goes this process is not restoration at all. regening is a world edit command that resets the designated area by putting whatever the server wants to put in it. (ex if it was a plains before it could be regened into a ravine, lake, ocean, crag, or anything else.)

    As for live events in general, I wholly understand that making events is complicated and time consuming and crap can happen, but you cant have anything good without putting some work into it no matter who does the work. personally speaking the idea of declining a idea based on the difficulty of it is just lazy in general. As someone who has lead guilds and other types of community networks, that aren't the same as this one, I've experienced the pain of putting events together in general. Holistically though what you get out of a well put together event is much greater than the cost of putting it together, or in other words the benefits greatly outweigh the costs.

    As for non specific events these events are designed to bring players on our network together to help players be part of the community and meet other players on the server. Yes the idea of participation awards is practically a giveaway but the end goal is to create a place where the server benefits by creating a community you wouldn't find somewhere else. Competition creates rivialries, friendships, and spectators commentate. Bringing the community together is the idea behind this.

    Lastly for Specific events the idea of endgame player rewards is sketchy as a whole due to the fact servers have different modpacks and different environments but again to take a piece out of what was quoted in a different reply
    This statement refers specifically to items that may be disabled without cause(Read my update again for an idea of disabled without cause), or items that could be craftable if enabled. obviously though this does not include specifically banned or purposely disabled items for griefing enabling, duping, or any other purposely disabling category.

    I look forward to all of your future comments, I really appreciate every comment thus far. My apologies if any portion of this seems like a rant that targeted anyone. My sole purpose and goal is to get my viewpoint across on specific replies post update.
  8. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    9:10 PM
    Only thing I see is if they are disabled then they are disabled for a reason
  9. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    Although some are disabled for a bad reason or were disabled in a way that makes something else uncraftable, but that's a discussion for another thread ;)
  10. __CBitt

    __CBitt kek

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    Claim resets would be very difficult as the claim area would need some way to declare the original state, of which it cant do if you have edited blocks prior to claiming.
  11. Blizzix_

    Blizzix_ Well-Known Member

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    This is irrelevant as if it were to be reset it would reset to a world generated chunk.
  12. __CBitt

    __CBitt kek

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    9:10 PM
    Yeah I just remembered the chunk reset over every 2 weeks xD
  13. matijase

    matijase Well-Known Member

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    10:10 PM
    Reseting claims to get more hungry nodes would be interesting :)

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