In my inventory, hand, on the ground, etc the Eldritch Guardian mob soul is invisible. I would like to be able to see it so I don't miss it or something.
Yeah I was afraid of that but I'll leave the post open until I get a response from staff to be sure.[DOUBLEPOST=1478750307,1478673909][/DOUBLEPOST]Just gonna assume that you're right and close the thread Rubijox.
Yes, this really would not be an issue we could fix as it, by the way you describe it, looks as if it is a visual issue. Could be reported to original modpack creator and see if there'd be any solution there as it was mentioned above.
I know this has been solved but surely you could find the texture and make on in paint or photoshop so you can see it
Of you enchanted it wouldn't the slot it's in glow in your inventory? Only enchant I can think of now that can be put on any item tho is soulbound.