Not Possible Infinity Skyblock Questbook

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Asapps, Nov 10, 2016.

  1. Asapps

    Asapps Well-Known Member

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    Gonna try out Infinity Skyblock, but like SkyFactory, I feel it has lost potential due to not having a questbook. Skyblocks that don't have questbooks on them, seem a little dull at times, many players have agreed. Thus I have a request for anyone who's willing. Said request is: Make an Infinity Skyblock Questbook with at least 200 mods. Once that's done, you can just give it to staff and they could add it on. It wouldn't at all make the modpack worse, it can only make it better.
  2. Arcanuo

    Arcanuo Old School Poster

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    The issue with adding in a Questbook is that MyM can no longer advertise it as "Infinity Skyblock" server, because the average Joe can't boot up Infinity Skyblock & just log in, he needs to add the quest Mod, HQM(Been awhile, should be it) to the pack, which the average person isn't going to do to test out a new server. Especially due to the fact he could join another Infinity Skyblock server just as easy, well in this case easier, I suppose.

    It's a good idea, but wouldn't work.
    LunaBlossoms likes this.
  3. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    I suggest looking at the Skyblock Achievements page. There you can find certain achievement which kinda gave me guidance. The goal for me was the Creative/Guilty mana pool.
    LunaBlossoms likes this.
  4. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    Exactly this. We host modpacks to their original content and do not modify anything except for the occasional white-listed client side mods, or specific recipes that need adding to fix/replace items. Something like this would have to be a request to the original modpack creator and their choice if they want to include HQM or not.
  5. Asapps

    Asapps Well-Known Member

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    Could you add challenges? I do /is and there's never any challenges. Any reason why that was stopped?
  6. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    There is actually a project somewhere out there, where someone made a complete hqm that guides you through the pack. The quests dont give rewards, just point you in the right direction.
    edit: I think it was for Infinity Evolved Expert Mode, not Infinity Evolved Skyblock.

    Mym already has Agrarian Skies+ as a customized pack, so the rule that packs don't get modified seems not to be true all the time.

    The thing I don't get is why people always think that skyblocks need questbooks. I never understood what the relation there is. Just because Agrarian Skies was one of the first popular HQM packs and was a skyblock? Figuring out how Ex Nihilo works doesn't justify a book more than figuring out how you make your first Tinkers Tool on a non-skyblock pack.

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