So currently the ender dragon is bugged horribly and can't be resummoned, as the game thinks it's still alive. In the rare moments where it does let someone summon, the healing crystals dont' respawn, so they can't be destroyed. they do however still heal the dragon. This is making it nearly impossible to progress in draconic evolution, so I was hoping we could get a temporary recipe added until the mod makers fix this? I would suggest the 4 end crystals we would normally have to make to do it anyway, and a block of draconium. The end crystals already require nether stars and ghast tears, so I don't think this would make it too easy.
great idea.. that or we have to fix the dragon spawning issue. at the moment it shows that there is a dragon but we cant find him.. and my placed end crystals wont work until this other dragon`s dead.. so please help us, either dragon fix or recipe, wanna progress
I prefer these recipes over that recipe; Dragon's aren't supposed to be that easy! Screenshot by Lightshot
dragon head not because then, players are going to swarm the end making the server even more lagging. atm that is a reall really bad idea[DOUBLEPOST=1479766115,1479765612][/DOUBLEPOST] i really don't see the point in adding emerald and diamond those things you don't need to spawn the dragon you just need the 4 crystals. don't need to make it waywaywayway waaaaay more excpencife then it already is for some players. i can understand you have that stuff but some players don't.
I think char's recipe makes the most sense to be honest. they are all draconic evolution related, and not easy to get. Don't forget the end crystals themselves already require a ghast tear and nether star for each one of them too.
I think, personally, it should be epically expensive. This is not supposed to be easy to get. Maybe in addition to a recipe, a month worth of voting cost in the shop.
rofl booker, you cant be serious.. there is a a vanilla respawn ritual for 4 nether stars and ppl only cant do it because something is bugged.. a month worth of voting would mean almost nobody ever sees the end game in a relatively easy progression pack.
There is no shop yet though :S And I think that'd be a bit overkill. The mechanic should normally allow it simply for just the 4 end crystals, and the dragon itself is easy enough to kill with wyvern armor and weapons. so I still think Char's recipe is pretty fair.
Char's recipie is really fair, should work fine, esp. since it's as cheap as the dragon is to spawn (I am Mr. 100 nether stars after all)
Why do you guys want to make it so complicated? its supposed to cost only the 4 crystals to resummon the dragon, just make it cost the 4 crystalls to get a heart, because even then you'D still lose out of the deal, since you wont be getting the dragon egg, nor the draconium, nor the exp that the dragon drops upon death.
Realistically, we should be looking into why it is broken. Playing Devils advocate, I'd like to see some proof that this is an issue.
There's a bugged ender-dragon preventing the vanilla spawning mechanic from working for them Source: multiple people have tried to summon a new one recently and failed