Done Kits Issues

Discussion in 'Other' started by BlackRosee3, Nov 28, 2016.

  1. BlackRosee3

    BlackRosee3 Well-Known Member

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    9:34 PM
    Hi im a tier 3 and was playing AS 1 when i bought them but didn't know how to actaully acess them (im a noob i know ) and i moved on to AG 2 where someone actaully educated me on using the kits. now i a able to use the kits i have on AG2 but im not able to use them on AG1 or AG1+ im just wondering are the kits ment to only be used on one server or is this a bug??

    Thanks in advance BlackRosee3
  2. Mouro

    Mouro Well-Known Member

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    Kits should be available on all servers (1.10 servers a bit different).
    The way you redeem them should be the same. /kit should list them and then you type /kit tools or resources or mobdrops
    If that doesn't work let us know that we are gonna verify what is not working.
  3. BlackRosee3

    BlackRosee3 Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for replying so fast and no there not working on AG 1 and AG1+ when i do /kit on them servers only the animals one shows up. while on AG2 my Resources, Mobdrops and Armour kits show up (but not animals not sure if thats intentional or not).

    Thanks for helping BlackRosee3
  4. Mouro

    Mouro Well-Known Member

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  5. PhantomRTW

    PhantomRTW Retired Staff

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    AS1 and AS1+ only have the animals kit. AFAIK this is intended. If the kits are working on AS2, then there isnt a problem, and they were delivered correctly :)
    Mouro likes this.

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