Done Chaos Dragon Bugs, Lost everything

Discussion in 'Project Ozone 2' started by LLitaTroll, Dec 1, 2016.

  1. LLitaTroll

    LLitaTroll Well-Known Member

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    Now that I go to the forums, I see that I am not the only one who has this issue. I went to fight the chaos dragon, I had fully upgraded draconic armor, infinity crossbow/ammo. All enchanted soulbound, protection 4, expecting to die once with my 9 lives.

    So the dragon hits me once and I lose all 9 lives in rapid succession without a respawn. "you have 9 lives, you have 8 lives, you have 7 lives," etc.

    It respawns me with none of my soulbound stuff, looks like some sort of lives-based character reset. I guess I should count myself lucky that my island with 5 other people isn't deleted?

    Any way to roll this back?
  2. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    No sorry. This is a mod interaction issue and comes from the chaos dragon being uber hard.
  3. LLitaTroll

    LLitaTroll Well-Known Member

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    What's the point of a lives-based deletion system if you can lose all lives in one hit?

    .... or if this is a known issue, why not turn off the deletion?
  4. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    You lose them becausw you weren't geared enough for the fight. Basically those were all killing blows.
  5. LLitaTroll

    LLitaTroll Well-Known Member

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    I'm not aware of any way to become more geared than I was? I had impossible loot bag gear and draconic armor fully upgraded and enchanted?

    ... and a killing blow should kill me... once. It never killed me. It left me there alive to lose all my lives? You are basically admitting that it is bugged and then blaming the players?

    It's very confusing and frustrating to build up for weeks and then just get one shot with an explanation of "it's bugged, deal with it."
  6. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    It's a combination of the mods. There is nothing we can do about it. You needed 3 caps all upgraded to supply energy fast enough, dodge the killing bolts dragon fires, and golden apples for regen. I killed him plenty of times like this.
  7. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    The issuse that I have seen is that you had something in your inventory that would save you from death. Something not from DE. Brandon considers this a cheat, and has the damage persist in a fixed point in space, so that you continue to die even if you already died, and are in the exact same spot.

    And get better gear.
  8. LLitaTroll

    LLitaTroll Well-Known Member

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    "And get better gear."

    Thanks for adding that in to add insult to injury.

    Still not aware of any possible better gear, but that makes it about the fight instead of the bug. The premise of the modpack is that I should be able to walk into that fight with no gear and expect to be able to die without getting deleted, since I had 9 lives.
  9. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    And if that is what you did, that is what would happen.

    The comment, while not perfectly explain, (I was on a phone at the time) holds true. You are very welcome. Stop being so thin skinned.

    1. There are certain attacks from the chaos dragon that will completely drain a capacitor. You need more then one, and they need to be as fully upgraded as you can get them. I usually have 4 or 5
    2. As for enchants, use ONLY vanilla enchants, or from Draconic Evolution.
    3. Make sure that you do NOT have any item that saves you from death. Or any enchants that do the same.

    If you get this bug after following these instructions, then their might be an issue. Till then? learn to play better?
  10. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    The issue is that draconic armor saves you from death :p if you run out of shields it will take around 100K RF from your armor and keep you from dying that's why it says critical damage taken each time you die. The only way to avoid that is to not let your shields run out meaning upgrading shield capacity and recharge rate would most likely be the best options and leave the RF storage to multiple fully upgraded capacitors. Then unlike most other boss battles in MC you actually need to dodge attacks. The blue attacks will drain your power a ton, the red and orange ones deal a ton of damage and drain your shield faster. The green ones will respawn a crystal. All of them can be destroyed if shot, or dodged (Not much point in dodging green ;)). And a basic protection enchantment protects somewhat against them no other protection enchants do as they do 'chaos damage' not explosive damage. The resistance potion effect works as well.

    And as for the main reason of this thread, that bug has been around for a very long time and doesn't seem to be getting a fix any time soon.
    LLitaTroll likes this.
  11. LLitaTroll

    LLitaTroll Well-Known Member

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    Thanks coolgi3000 for the thoughtful, helpful response, which actually addressed the bug and main reason for the post and didn't stoop to impugning my gear quality or play quality. I sincerely appreciate it.
    coolgi3000 likes this.

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