Okay. Kinda weird to explain. I have a ranged collector that was used to automate the atomic reconstructor. i started noticing that i wasnt getting items from it. so i went to investigate, and realized that my collector wasnt picking items up, yet items were still being pickedup, basicly voiding. I placed items in the collector, and it worked fine. i removed the collector and placed it, still didnt work. but oddly. when i removed it, items would still get picked up regardless of the collector or not I can tell its the same collector since it had the same filter (only the filtered items would be picked up) and the range was centered where it orginally was. Soooo yea. I have zero clue whats going on. Theres no other collector let alone with the same filter. and all the items are being voided.
are you absolutely sure there isnt anything else that can pick up items near that area? because that sounds like thats whats happening.
99.99% sure. It would make no sense if there were. a ranged collector's radious is 5 (6 if you count its center) i checked 5 blocks out it would only pick up from within the radious as if the block was there. it also had the exact same filter, and items that werent in it wouldnt get picked up (it was filtered to all the crystals and the crystallized seed, and it wouldnt pickup cobblestone and such)