Done Server crashing

Discussion in 'Regrowth' started by camm3y95, Dec 6, 2016.

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  1. camm3y95

    camm3y95 Member

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    Local Time:
    2:08 AM
    Today, the server has been crashing every few minutes but not when there is nobody online. As long as there is someone online it will crash and the problem doesn't seem to be connected to a certain player, unless someone's chunks stay loaded which I don't know of. The problem seems to be occurring from about 15.00 CET 06-12-2016
  2. KingSZ

    KingSZ Well-Known Member

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    2:08 AM
    First I thought it is my Millenaire Village that crashes the Server, but i dont use Gold-chunkloaders and didnt login the last 40 min and watched the serverstats: It is still keep crashing after 3 - 10 min after restart
  3. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    8:08 PM

    I do see that the server has gone down multiple times, around 12 when I was first looking at it, and since has gone down twice more. I do not see any crash reports either. I'll go ahead and tag @Administrator to come take a look at it.

    Please be patient as we investigate.
    Thanks![DOUBLEPOST=1481042948,1481038983][/DOUBLEPOST]We had our admins take a look at the issue and it should now be all fixed up.

    If you see that this issue still persists please let us know. But, for now, I'll mark this thread as done.

    Thanks for reporting and,
    Happy gaming!
  4. Werwolfi_de

    Werwolfi_de Well-Known Member

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    2:08 AM
    thanks draven, totally forgot that there was a post too :) the issue should be permanently resolved
    LunaBlossoms and BookerTheGeek like this.
  5. camm3y95

    camm3y95 Member

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    2:08 AM
    Today again, the server has crashed (07-12-2016). This time, I only know the server had been experiencing some small lag spikes. I do not know whether the server has crashed any other time today.
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