Done Name change, and no access anymore.

Discussion in 'Sky Factory 2' started by R_Vaillyn, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. R_Vaillyn

    R_Vaillyn Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    10:09 PM
    Alright, so here I am, once again staff members of MineYourMind.

    Lately I changed my in-game name to R_Vaillyn instead of staying with my old name: RebornCrafter.
    Now I wanted to check out on my island, on node 1, but sadly it said to me I didn't had access to my items ( not allowed to use items in protected area... )
    So now I was wondering..... Could there be an "owner" transfer ( from my old in-game name, so my new in-game name )...

    I hope this is possible cuz I worked hard on that dang island :)

    Thanks for reading, and taking the time for it...
    ~R_Vaillyn (RebornCrafter)
  2. Mouro

    Mouro Well-Known Member

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    9:09 PM
    Come on Reborn, you know how this works, the first thing you gotta do is update your name on forum..
    And you can update your username on forum by going to or clicking on the Wheel and then Update Username:
    And i'll tag the @Junior Administrator team so they can transfer your island back to you.
  3. R_Vaillyn

    R_Vaillyn Well-Known Member

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    10:09 PM
    You know I was gone for a while... Don't blame me on those kinda things :)

    Thanks anyway Mouro... I can always count on your -snip-..
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2016
    HelloKittyPhone, tyler489 and Mouro like this.
  4. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    4:09 PM
    Server rules extend over to forums as well so please watch what you say. I've snipped out the improper word.
  5. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    3:09 PM
    Sorry I missed this. I will look into this in a few minutes.[DOUBLEPOST=1481673018,1481665621][/DOUBLEPOST]Alright @R_Vaillyn You are the island owner. The only problem is, you are the only person on your island. You will need to re-invite all of the players that were island mates to your island. This includes people you have trusted. Sadly, I cannot add them back. I also had to place down a piece of bedrock down to do the transfer. THIS NEEDS TO STAY.
    Have fun!

    P.S. Make sure they send you there items before they accept the island invite as those will be deleted upon accepting a island invitation.
  6. R_Vaillyn

    R_Vaillyn Well-Known Member

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    10:09 PM
    I know that Aid, thanks... I felt already of inviting them back in the island, so I'll just do that as soon as we are ever online at the same time again xD...

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