Blast off and Terrafirmapunk for MyM 2017!

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by ReaperDragon4, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. ReaperDragon4

    ReaperDragon4 Well-Known Member

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    This is a pack that is kinda glitched, but thematically goes with Crash Landing and is considered its sequel by Crash Landing's creator.

    However, I strongly suspect the glitches can be worked out, in fact when i played the bulk of them seemed to happen with buildcraft. If the pack maker can be reached or the pack can be fixed I would love to try it multiplayer. I went back to it multiple times despite the glitches, each time determined to advance! I believe the graphics mods should be toned down on a server version of it, but its an intense pack perfect for players who want a challenge! Viva le Blastoff! Viva viva!

    With another star system as the goal and the More Planets add on, colorful primitive mobs including ones you can tame (lets be honest, who wouldn't love to ride a spider), dangerous dungeons, enviromine, zombie awareness and a questbook with a plan! I nominate Blast off for MyM server network 2017!

    Terrafirma Punk is a pack my computer won't run, but I've been anxious to try! With all the progression rewrites of Terrafirmacraft, the action and adventure of high fantasy and biomes and creatures from the Twilight Forest bleeding into the overworld, its high difficulty and high intensity and I want it! As I said, my computer won't run it, so I'm begging my fellow MyM players! Elect Terrafirma punk for MyM server network 2017!!!!!!
    Happiness and Zerovirus like this.
  2. CrimsonSZ

    CrimsonSZ Bored of being bored because being bored is boring

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    Perhaps you could add a poll to see just how many people agree with it since, you know, as humans there is no way we'd scroll through comments picking out each and everone that rates the idea. I personally say yes to both as I've never tried either and am very open to new experiences, especially if they can cure my 24/7 boredom disease.
  3. ReaperDragon4

    ReaperDragon4 Well-Known Member

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    once i'm awake i'll try to figure out where the poll button is. irl there's a blizzard forecast for tonight, perfect time to reaquaint myself with forum codes.
  4. Zerovirus

    Zerovirus Well-Known Member

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    Personally I like the idea, but my main concern is if it'll have as many memory problems as DireWolf 1.10 currently has?
  5. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    well, if i read slind's recent post right, most of those should be fixed /very/ soon. thus opening the gates to a crash landing successor. would love it, since i kinda do want to play another crash landing.

    ps: i vote the new crash landing pack
    tyler489 likes this.
  6. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    You do know blastoff hasn't had an update since July 2015 that I can find
    In addition most of the map is procedural generated. the only way it would work was if there was a farm world that would reset every time someone mines a structure
  7. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    so no 1.10? RIP.
  8. ReaperDragon4

    ReaperDragon4 Well-Known Member

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    no its not a recent pack. I'm not familiar with the 1.10s. I think what happened was the modpack maker realized he'd made it too hard for players to win. Sometimes the youtubers you can get can make or break a challenge pack for PR. GenerikB and Lancypooh are the only ones I can find and Lancy rage quit, which doesn't reflect well on the pack, Generik worked hard to make a townhouse type build for his home only for a tornado to rip the top off and the windows out.

    Its a very hostile map minesheeps. even more so than crash landing. All four stats for enviromine are enabled. Air, sanity, heat and water. I'm also fairly sure no matter how many times i play the pack tyler i get the same seed. Is that "procedurally generated?"

    Its cold, cold enough to kill. all the hunger restrictions possible are piled on and in some cases if you want high saturation you have to use mariculture's vat to cook and even cook mob head soup in the vat. You start with a base, you get some opening weapons and supplies just like crash landing. You get a last stand chestplate from quests I think, and four columns of open blocks exp tanks. You get a longbow. You get some of those ender Io elevator tper pad things installed so you can go from base to roof, and you get a basic spatial ME system with some supplies you can unlock by completing quests with spatial drives.

    In my experience, the zombies and festive creepers are the biggest threats from mobs. There's meteors from the falling meteors mod. You can't initially access ores any other way than breaking meteor blocks with a hammer.

    Really assuming you play sunup to sundown irl stopping for meals, bathroom, and family members calling you for help with chores, the first day or so you're playing is leveling your tinkers weapons and myfit mod for buffs as well as getting the first half of the first chapter nailed down and the food related things that come with it. And you be very careful not to go far. When you can fight through the night from the roof of your base, you're ready for more advanced stuff.

    But blastoff is difficult and violent, and buildcraft would have to be fixed by staff or the packmaker /or/ frequent backups would be required. In single player every time i tried to make stone buildcraft gears I lost my whole game file. I learned to back up my single player file daily. Not the kind of pack for teenagers who have poor restraint. By the way, poor restraint is what doomed me in my furthest ever single player crash landing world as well. Went for the wrong spider on the roof.

    Edit: by the way, I haven't even gotten to try terrafirma punk yet because my computer won't run it. It will run TFC, it won't run TFC punk. I like the idea of the twilight forest bleeding into the overworld. Makes a hard pickle to navigate with TFC.
  9. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    i mean i'd like it if it was 1.7.10, no problem there. but yeah, i enjoy a good challenge. might go watch some blast off vids doe.
  10. ReaperDragon4

    ReaperDragon4 Well-Known Member

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    lancy and generik were playing the beta of the pack. The place they give you initially IMO is much more easily defendable in the final version.

    oh yeah and yogscast did it, I think Lewis Simon and Sjin. And before you ask, Simon got them blown up. I'd suggest boning up on the primitive mobs mod as well, Popular MMOs did a review, three parts i think, in detail.

    I'm actually curious now minesheeps, have you tried the pack "Banished" yet by Drastic Demise? Or the magic based pack that the author of crash landing did? Iskandar outdid the job he did making crash landing with that other one IMO.

    the reason why I didn't suggest Banished for the server network is because I'm sure there'd be a sum total of 5 or 6 dedicated players and nobody else. Its high difficulty. You spend the first part of the game running and ambushing. It has the epic siege mod in it and you live in a cave world infested with Lycanites mobs where ANY biome can show up. But the mega ravines that generate there are beautiful sights to behold flying through them in creative mode. Those giant lava turtles sticking their heads out and afrits flying everywhere. I've got to go back into my old file and try to get a picture. Needless to say just because its a cave doesn't mean it wasn't beautiful. In fact honestly I think it was one of the most beautiful minecraft settings I'd visited.
  11. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    Generik b did good untill the tornado destroyed his house/town
  12. ReaperDragon4

    ReaperDragon4 Well-Known Member

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    Simon walked out of their house and into a festive creeper. that was the end for team Yogscast.
  13. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    Yeah.. was the end of my playthrough to
  14. PhantomRTW

    PhantomRTW Retired Staff

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    they restarted tho :p
  15. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    been watching chimneyswift play it. it's pretty nifty.
  16. NotChiken

    NotChiken Well-Known Member

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    I would like to see that mod on mym. Could be something new.
  17. frogman79

    frogman79 Well-Known Member

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    I took a look at this pack yesterday for a bit, did feel very Crash landing-esk. Its 1.10 pack as well that could be converted to the same server style map as MYMs Crash landing. Its called Forever Stranded.

    Forever Stranded - Adventure and RPG - Minecraft Modpacks - Curse

    Has a lot of the same mechanics as Crash with a few other additions because of the updated versions of Ex Nihlo and its addon mods. Does have Better Questing instead of HQM. Still very Beta but something to watch if the pack maker keeps after it.
    I played Blast Off, got really tired of the grinding for what seemed like days for little gain in any respect. Water mechanics are dumb, resources are hard to come by, have to travel long distances to find them. Mobs are INSANE.
  18. oitzdecwx

    oitzdecwx Well-Known Member

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    yeah the yogscast did blast off for about 100 episodes. never actually blasted off though
  19. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    so i've been playing for awhile, and i've had an idea.
    I might contact the guy who made the pack, and see if maybe, i can give Blast Off anmupdate, and have him help stabilize it. i can rework the questbook if it comes to it, but updating the pack is a must.[DOUBLEPOST=1481952954,1481924807][/DOUBLEPOST]so testing updates for mods on blast off, starting with mekanism and all it's side mods, and buildcraft (This is a big one, gonna use a seperate world just in case)[DOUBLEPOST=1481954270][/DOUBLEPOST]went ahead and updated infernal mobs, changed the minimap (the old one had some flaws, including an inability to see what mobs were outside, and it would show particle effects on the map)[DOUBLEPOST=1481954308][/DOUBLEPOST]also some chicken chunks mods were updated, but i'll probably make a different thread so i stop spamming notifications on you guys lol
  20. xLuarkeNx

    xLuarkeNx Well-Known Member

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    as i have just played TerraFirmaPunk for a while, i would have point out something that may need to concern:
    1:it's having no nether , or twilight forest portal. Besides, it will spawn all the monster and structure on the same world with a different way.(in Caves.... ,spawning monster that should be in twilight forest...). There will also be a problem for the loots as monster drops reward bag... so, cancelling the reward bags may help to manage.
    2:same problem from mobs, the total number from the big number of spawner that the world have. i would say there are tons of pinky with super size/.\
    3: it is totally not a modpack for newbies ! i will recommend u to watch some tutorial first. there are soooo many staff to talk about:#
    By the way, i really like the idea of the TFC as it makes minecraft to be more realistic. 2017-02-08_00.30.55.

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