Info Distancing us from a Network

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Slind, Dec 4, 2016.

  1. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    3:29 PM
    So when lucid, sirwill or any other high ranking member tries to recruit members from another network, spreading rumors and slander, I leave them in place and don't apologize?

    Lets use the German law for making a point: § 186, §187 StGB, § 824 BGB
    This is not some minor offense, there are actual compensation rules and prison sentences are possible.

    So you seriously suggest to not fire someone - who is making him self and the company (as the company profits) indictable -, because you think it is ok (didn't hurt me). WTF, who ever does that would complicit.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2016
  2. Kronnn

    Kronnn Well-Known Member

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    Not to mention that you keep blatantly ignoring us when we tell you that there was more than just 1/2 longstanding members involved and its been more than just trying to poach a few members.
    LunaBlossoms likes this.
  3. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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  4. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    Then please bring me some facts of how many got banned in this issue and the severity of what they have done if that is okay. I thought you don't hide things from the community, and I am sure the community would like to see at least how many people were involved. (If that's ok)
  5. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    We have kept from naming names, either of the parties or the network, on purpose. Also the public statements made here is all there really is to say about it.

    Not sharing personal details isn't the same as hiding things. If you'd like to continue with your thought process on this and refusing to understand, then please post your full name, address, credit card numbers, etc.

    When Target was hacked thry didn't disclose all the PII or PCI data of what was taken just a statement to inform people. Then reached out in private to the ones affected to disclose what was taken.

    Please get off your high horse and join the community instead of continuing your work to undermine it.
  6. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    Still got no answer. I never asked for names. how many people were involved and what damage have they caused to the network?[DOUBLEPOST=1481634112,1481632448][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Oh and I do not try to undermine anything. I try to understand: Why you as network reacted like that to this etc etc.
    It may be a bit annoying to you but I really just try to understand.
  7. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    What is there to understand? Staff members represent the Network they are a part of, their actions for good or bad reflect on their Network as a whole. How a Network deals with it's Staff members who are taking actions that give that Network a bad name says a LOT about that Network. For example, if I go onto another Network and behave poorly, I fully expect to have repercussions here as a MyM staffer. If I try to poach players from another Network, I have no delusions that my position as a Mym Staffer would be terminated. Failing to do so sends the message that the parent Network is OK with the actions of that Staff Member. Trying to hide behind layers of bureaucracy, saying that the Nwtwork Owner, or higher Staff can not deal with the offending Staff member is a weak excuse at best (I am being as tolerant as I can at this point).

    Furthermore, if I support the actions of another Staff Member who is misbehaving, in any fashion, then by my inaction, I am implicit in said actions. I do not condone, encourage, support or agree with any Staff member going to another Network and doing ANYTHING that could potentially reflect poorly on me as a MyM Staffer. To defend those doing so undermines the very moral fabric on which our Network stands and distinguishes itself from the masses.

    To the point of demanding evidence, MyM staff information is not shared with the community at large. Details of a ban are not shared for a number of reasons, including protecting those involved and discouraging similar behavior. Notifying the community that a ban has happened is par for the course and automatic on our Servers, but the specifics only need be known to the parties involved. If it's your Friend that has been banned, encourage them to follow proper procedures to appeal, don't attack the Network and try to paint it as some social crusade. It does not reflect well on your character.

    In Short, some players did something they knew they shouldn't do. As staff of another Network, this cast a poor light on said, and purposefully unnamed, Network. Failure on that Network's part to display any actual disapproval of said action prompted MyM to further distance themselves from whose that tolerate and silently encourage that type of behavior. So unless you are an integral part of the situation, realize that details are above your pay-grade, so to speak, and revealing of said details are of no benefit to anyone.

    Move along, there really is nothing to see here and stirring up drama will serve no actual benefits. We are here, after all, to play a game and enjoy ourselves. As a Staff Member, I derive increased enjoyment by helping the other members of the community, by being a positive example and preserving both the reputation and the moral integrity of the MYM Network.

    If playing Minecraft and making MYM a better place are not what you are interested in, please do everyone a favor and simply leave. The Internet is a big place, take your ball and go home.
  8. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    If we all are persons that would not need to know anything about it there is no particular reason for this thread XD
  9. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    Those that NEED to know, do. Everyone else was informed about the basics as a courtesy and because we don't feel a need to keep our players in the dark. Those that WANT to know more, I suggest considering applying to be Staff, we always need more of the right people.
    littlejdude likes this.
  10. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    Endo was staff ;)
  11. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    dude.. like... I was staff for over half a year and now asking for how many people were involved is too much or what?
  12. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Frankly this should have been clear by now, based on the information provided.
    The offender and most (leading) staff of that network.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2016
  13. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    There is a very important word in your statement that is of vital importance.


    As in past tense. You are still a member of the MYM community and as such, you are included in those that have been informed of the basics of what has gone on. However, having been a Staff member at any point in time does not entitle one to forever be included in the inner workings of everything. In fact, being a past staff member is really not of any importance nor does it elevate you above the rest of the community in any way but one. You can be held to a higher expectation of behavior and conduct.

    You know first hand that Staff are volunteers giving up their free time to make MYM a better community, and to actively antagonize a situation such as this while trying to simultaneously hold yourself above the community as "Ex senior staff" is of dubious intent to say the least. I have to ask myself why you place such importance on a position you no longer hold.

    That said, please remember you are a member of MyM community, and as such will not be informed of information determined to be of importance to Staff only, such as specific details related to a Ban. You should know better.
    LucidTheStick likes this.
  14. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    3:29 PM
    And have they been banned directly for their actions or for the despise you spoke of in your post that they "organized that"?
  15. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    Endorian, I think it's best if the topic is dropped. MYM did what was necessary, given the situation. This information deliverance is a lot like a business; If they were to release this information about the involved party('s), It'd be slandering their name further, and also reflect a bad light on the Business as a whole. So in the case of MYM, if staff were to release the players' names to the public, it'd be slandering those player's names and, as I said, reflect badly on MYM as a whole. Keep in mind, i'm well aware of the fact that what they did was wrong. They knew the rules, They knew the consequences. But that's already known. Can we drop this subject and get back to playing the network we like to play on?


    littlejdude and Broklyn_Datroll like this.
  16. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    You might want to read what we wrote with a clear mind again, this has been answered multiple times.
  17. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    I would like point out something here... the network DIDNOT tell that perticular person to advertise on mym. Infact the owner has been trying to get ahold of people from mym to discuss it but cant because everyone highup has been banned. if you truely wish to speak with them let me know and i will help arrange a meeting.
  18. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    And the notification train continues... >.<
  19. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Odd, why is there a meeting set for tomorrow then? :p
    The_Icy_One and tyler489 like this.
  20. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    Now to clear some things up to you...
    I never asked for names. I know the names, I know what they did and I know the background. This because I have built relationship to most players in the network by working in the community not over the community in my time as staff. Now someone like brooklyn comes and tells me rules im very, very aware of - never disrespected them and fought for them for a long time. But what might have differed me from other staffs is that I try to find out a bit more than needed for the banrecord before I ban someone. And that is what makes me upset. You guys have banned people permanently for no particular reason just because of your paranoia and assumptions. Wow. This is what is normally a no-go in the staffteam and can get someone demoted or have one of the managers share a word with him.

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